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Proof that guppy’s are hardy

Guppy Guy

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So I hate when this happens, but unfortunately it still does. Luckily they are sooooo hardy. The plants were melting before the guppies were  🙃. The suspense on what happened is probably killing you, so let me tell you what is was:

My Ph dropped down to (whisper) 4.5. And I only lost 2 fish out of who knows how many. I recognized them both though as being over 2 years old, so they were on their last fin anyways. Here is the pics:(the tank that is behind everything is that guppy tank)56A1D96A-1204-4D6B-925E-91A0C4CC4ECC.jpeg.7b91aeb6d05af686e1bdb79c8606ac9b.jpeg

As with most things sea-cham, their alkaline buffer is awesome!09844C66-9FE0-4E8C-AAA3-1FB03F9571ED.jpeg.4a1cf6289e2759fe7497cd8200ad1cab.jpeg

2 hours after adding this, everything is back to normal.

Is it just me, or can you tell something is up with your tanks without testing the water?


Edited by Guppy Guy
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its not just you, after you've been doing this for a while visual clues will let you know just about any time something isnt quite right. as for the guppy's, in my experience , as long as they make it at least 2 weeks after coming home from the fish store, they are plenty tough. ones born in your tank are very very hardy.

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  I was doing a water change once and filling the tank back up with my power head. I had turned it off (with the hose in tank still) and since the pump/power head was below tank level, it sucked water back into it. One of my male guppies went right down the hose and through the power head into my water change bucket. Didn't phase him in the least..
I have my guppy tub in the shop so my pond lily will survive our freezing temps here in Idaho. It has been down in the 50s at night. Evidently I did not catch all of the fry and discovered 4 healthy fry and at least 4 or 5 really large neo shrimp in there...

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After a few generations I feel like my guppies are tanks. My one girl got so huge (ate way too many guppy fry). Gave birth swimming around didn’t stop didn’t seem to even notice she was popping fry out everywhere still chasing other fry to gobble. Next day she looked split through her chest. Following day healed. Still a happy camper. She didn’t even seem to notice any of this. I on the other hand was a nervous Nellie over the issue 🤣341F7382-8777-410C-B8B0-488555B6EE4F.jpeg.f6ccdc4552774fdd69ce42174df0c48e.jpeg

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