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A good shrimp problem


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Some months ago I have added 3 Amano and (I think) 5 Cherries, 1 Bumble Bee and 1 Green (that have changed into yellow) shrimps, now the tank is teaming with shrimps of all sizes, mainly very small and small to medium. There are many Cherries, 1 baby yellow and some that have the same pattern as the Amano (the Amano lady is 2" long, fat and very aggressive eater) so I am watching carefully before declaring them as Amano babies 🙂.

I need to vacuum the sand but because of the fry I just change water, thinking that they will grow a bit and that will make the job easier but the shrimps don't stop breading.

How can I vacuum the bottom without sucking them out? I have rejected the idea of a mash on the inlet or outlet of the siphon because it will also trap the rubbish. Any ideas?


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I'm glad your shrimp are doing well, but hold off on deciding that you have amano babies.  Unlike caridina and neocaridina shrimp they have a larval stage, and it needs salty, or at least brackish, water to develop into adult shrimp.  It's not uncommon for neocaridina shrimp to have similar coloration as amanos, especially if there are mixed colors in the tank.  It's a pretty safe bet that's what you have.

Now that I have that out of the way, my shrimp tanks are pretty heavily planted, so I don't bother vacuuming the substrate, but if you want to anyway I'd recommend vacuuming the water into a white bucket.  That makes it pretty easy to see small shrimp (or fry if you have any), net them, and return them to the tank.  That's what I do when doing water changes in my tubs outside that are teeming with guppy fry.

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Agree with bucket I use a small python because it is clear and small to get between shrimp.  I pinch the hose to keep a slower suction. I can see shrimplettes going in the vacuum and pinch hose tight to stop and let them swim out. When I’m done I look for any in my bucket that went in anyway

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On 8/9/2021 at 1:26 PM, BenA said:


Thank you re Amanos, this is what I said to my wife but she insists.

Thank you for the white bucket idea, will get one.


I have a 2.5 gallon white bucket I bought at one of the big chain pet stores that I really like.  It has a spout for pouring, an indentation at the bottom to make it easier to pour, and volume measurements on the inside in 1/2 gallon increments.  I also like it because I'm at the point in my life where I don't care to be lifting and carrying 5 gallon buckets full of water.

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