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Power heads


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Have had the Fluval Flex 15 gallon and love the tank. I have one power head positioned to agitate the water and one positioned down to push down CO2 bubbles towards the bottom of the tank from the diffuser. However, my tetras spend most of their time at the bottom of the tank at the base of the spider wood. I’m thinking it’s because the power head that’s positioned down is creating a current down at the bottom of the tank and the tetras are swimming against it. Does anyone else have this tank and how do they position their power head nozzles on it?? Thanks! 



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I don't have your tank but it is a safe bet that your tetras are looking for calmer waters.  My power heads are aimed along the back wall. on is slightly high to add surface movement and one slightly low to keep the bottom moving.  A little extra flake food the next time you feed will help you see the currents in your tank.  If the food slowly circles back to the starting point  you are on the right track

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