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Afternoon/morning all.

Few days ago I have spotted a white dot on one of my Angel's body, today, while cleaning and changing water I have spotted another on the gills cover, size wise they are the size of a pin head and slightly raised from the body of the fish, the other fish (its mate) is clean. There are no other symptoms or markings on the fish. These are the only 2 fish in a 10gl. tank. Water parameters are all '0' with Nitrite at 50ppm.

Any idea?


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It sounds like Ich. Raise the water temp to somewhere between 81 and 85 degrees and keep it there. Treat for Ich, but leave your temp between the range I just covered, Ich can not survive at temps above 80 degrees, but most of our fish, including Angelfish, come from water that is much warmer than 80 degrees.




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On 7/17/2021 at 5:17 PM, Guppysnail said:

Do you mean-nitrate 50? If it actually nitrite do water changes.   Raised white dots are indicative of ich. Treatment ich x. I have no personal experience with it ive always been very lucky so hopefully someone with experience can help. 

Ooops, yes, Nitrate.

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I will try but it won't be of a good quality as I use a cell phone. Anyway, last night I saw the female hanging on her tail at a 75 degrees angle under the floating plants, she ignored the food while the male chased it so I knew that something is wrong, this morning she was dead. I have tested the water all is on '0' with Nitrate on 50ppm, no marks or damage to her body, slim was good, clear eyes and the stomach and body shape felt normal.

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