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Sick Betta that has "everything"


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As a result of upgrading my betta to a bigger tank, he's now fallen ill with multiple problems.  On day 4 in the new tank doing a fish-in cycle, ammonia started going up to .25 ppm.  I used AmmoLock to detoxify. There were no nitrites and no nitrates yet. The next day the betta was hiding between plants and rocks and not coming out. I put him back in his old 3 gal which I kept running as a back up. He's the only occupant in the tank. I did normal acclimation process to get him back in his old tank. The following day he had a big belly and was pineconing. I started treatment immediately with KanaPlex, aquarium salt (1 tbsp total) and a little Melafix (tho a 3 gal tank, there's only 2 gal of water since I lowered the water level for easier surfacing). I also added some catappa leaves (boiled) for cover since the old tank is mostly bare as the plants went in the new tank.  

Today, on top of dropsy, he's now got a single white ick-like speck on his head, and a larger white fuzz patch behind his pectoral fin and another small white-ish fuzz on the tip of his tail that looks like the beginning of tail rot (maybe from being on the bottom for so long?). On a positive note, he ate a single Bug Bite that floated down to him today. He hadn't eaten since June 23.  

As far as the Kanaplex goes, He's on his second dose today as I'm adding every other day per instructions.  My question is should I keep going with the Kanaplex and salt and wait?  I wasn't expecting to see fungus on top of the dropsy.  I don't want to stress him out any further but he's a mess. He also had a small/short stringy poop(?) but it's gone now. Hoping that was some fluid being released?? He's been very healthy and active prior to this. I've had him about a year and he came from a big box store.  Can he handle more meds? More salt (maybe a salt bath)? Should I perform a gravel vac since that's where he's hanging out? With the meds in, I'm hesitant to remove any water, though I could use a turkey baster to get the food he didn't eat earlier. Water parameters are good (always have 0 nitrate and I haven't figured out why yet considering his hospital tank is an established 1 year old tank). 

Water Parameters today:
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
PH: 7.6
Temp: 78

Other meds I have on hand:  MetroPlex, BettaFix, IchX, Betta Revive, Prime (not a med, but probably should have used instead of the AmmoLock).  I know his chances are slim.  Anyone have success treating dropsy?




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It can take two full courses of kanaplex before you will see improvement I would increase the salt to 1 table spoon for 1 that will help to reduced fluid buildup and any fungal infection I would monitor the single white spot for now if he gets more I would recommend treating with ich x and it also treats some types of fungus

Edited by Colu
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Colu's advice is solid. If he's eating, try to soak a couple of pellets in Kanaplex, using Focus to bind it to the food. Also, a few Epson salt baths 3-4x a day may help with any swelling.

With all that being said, try to keep the fish comfortable and the tank quiet and away from strong light.

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On 6/29/2021 at 3:14 PM, Colu said:

It can take to full course of kanaplex before you will see improvement I would increase the salt to 1 table spoon for 1 that will help to reduced fluid buildup and any fungal infection I would monitor the single white spot for now if he gets more I would recommend treating with ich x and it also treats some types of fungus

Wanted to give an update on my crowntail.  He’s making a miraculous recovery. I think the extra tablespoon of aquarium salt really helped (thanks Colu!) because 24 hours later he wasn't as bloated and had minimal pineconeing. I watched him flash against the sand and the white cottony patch behind his right pectoral fin came off. Though the fungus persists, it’s smaller. You can still see it in the 1st photo. He’s eating better, actively swimming and off the bottom! The white ick-like spot on his head is also gone.  I refreshed his catappa leaves so his water is really brown, but he’s been actively swimming through them and under them. I have noticed that as the food sinks, he watches it hit the sand and then sort of circles it and then eats it. Not sure why he does this rather than eat it as it falls. He definitely watches it come down. Could the water color affect his vision? They don’t look cloudy. Or could he just be a little dull from being sick and on medication? Not out of the woods, but I sure thought he was a goner. Don’t give up!



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