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a few questions

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So I just ordered way too many plants.

I am setting up my second 20gallon (not long) to use as a QT tank.

Is it ok to put the extra plants in there, even though I will be using it as a QT?  I won't have substrate in it and was going to leave them in their pots if they have pots.

Second question:  ... Since I just ordered a bunch of plants I will be rescaping my betta tank.  How do I do this safely?  Do I drain the water to a bucket, and then put back (most) of the water? Obviously he's gotta be moved to a safe place while I am doing this, so a smaller put some of the tank water into a smaller one with him, the cories, otos and snail? 


I have no idea what I'm doing. 

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I’ll take a crack at the second question. You’ve got the right idea. Just put the livestock and some water from the tank into the smaller container, rescape the tank using fresh conditioned water then add the livestock. Keep the same filter media. 

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Putting the extra plants in your QT is fine. You might have to remove them if you ever have to dose the tank with salt. They'll be fine left in their pots.

You can rescape your tank with your fish still in it if you're careful. How much of a rescape are you planning? I recently pulled up all the plants and rocks from my 40 breeder, and left my catfish and platies in it during the whole process. I kept the water level up, and just took breaks now and then to let the mulm settle out of the water so I could see better. When I was finally done, I did a large water change to help clear up the water and suck out stirred up detritus. 

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13 minutes ago, H.K.Luterman said:

ou can rescape your tank with your fish still in it if you're careful. How much of a rescape are you planning? I recently pulled up all the plants and rocks from my 40 breeder, and left my catfish and platies in it during the whole process. I kept the water level up, and just took breaks now and then to let the mulm settle out of the water so I could see better. When I was finally done, I did a large water change to help clear up the water and suck out stirred up detritus. 

So this tank was the first tank I ever tried to set up and scape with live plants... So it's going to be a prettttttty major rescape.  The problem with this tank though is it's a pain in the rump.  The top is NOT an easily accessable thing. I bought it because it was different. 

I want the huge rock out.. I'll be changing it to dragon rock (is that what it's called?) And filling everything else out with more plants for Pietro. 

As you can see everything is just kinda plopped in 



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Plants can be great in the quarantine tank because they help with water quality, which can be a problem with no substrate and new fish. If you don't have a seasoned filter to use in your Q-tank, plants can be even more helpful. If you use meds, just be sure they are plant-safe, like the Aquarium Co-op trio, or remove the plants.

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4 minutes ago, HH Morant said:

Plants can be great in the quarantine tank because they help with water quality, which can be a problem with no substrate and new fish. If you don't have a seasoned filter to use in your Q-tank, plants can be even more helpful. If you use meds, just be sure they are plant-safe, like the Aquarium Co-op trio, or remove the plants.

I already am planning on putting a sponge filter that i've been "seasoning" in my bettas tank 🙂

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Personally I'd just keep the fish in the tank. Move slow so that they all have a chance to get out of your way. They might even enjoy picking at the mulm you stir up. But of course if you're more comfy taking them out, that's certainly ok too.

Here's the big overhaul I did on my 40. 

Before pic. I moved the giant sword into my 75, and wanted to make the aquascape more... I don't know... "African Biotope-ish?" for my featherfin catfish. 



Here's how messy it got while removing everything.



Here it is now. 



Was a pretty big rescape and everyone made it through A-OK. 🙂

Edit: Reminds me I really need to dim that light.

Edited by H.K.Luterman
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10 minutes ago, H.K.Luterman said:

Here it is now. 


This is absolutely beautiful!  I love that catfish.  The more I learn, the more fish I fall in love with the more tanks I have to have.   Haha.


13 minutes ago, Swred5 said:

Also, be sure to feel for any sharp edges on the dragonstone for your bettas safety. It's a beauty.

I knew there was a reason I didnt buy some before! I thought about exactly this!   Thank you for the reminder I will absolutely make sure things are softened.  I might even try other rocks because now I am paranoid. 

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2 minutes ago, CosmicAshhole said:

I knew there was a reason I didnt buy some before! I thought about exactly this!   Thank you for the reminder I will absolutely make sure things are softened.  I might even try other rocks because now I am paranoid. 

Rather than changing the vision you have for the tank, just smooth the edges out. I usually use a piece of whatever rock I'm working with and file at the edges of the rocks I want to put in the tank. Dragon stone is easily dulled, it's a super soft rock. You can practically break the stuff with your bare hands. Give all the edges a once over and I'm sure your betta will be just fine with it.

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