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dirty looking plants

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I have this stuff, that i think might be algae, on many of my plants. The main issue is that it holds onto all the grey detritus, or is the collection of it in my tank. The water is super clear, but when i try to clean the stuff, all the much goes everywhere. When i get the muck off, the fuzzy things are almost clear. 
Is anyone familiar with this?


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The particles in the tank is from not having enough flow to pick up the detritus/ mulm and move it to the filter. Increasing flow/ circulation in the tank should solve this problem; just be sure to not cause too much circulation that would overly "blast" your fish and plants.

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7 minutes ago, Mmiller2001 said:

The particles in the tank is from not having enough flow to pick up the detritus/ mulm and move it to the filter. Increasing flow/ circulation in the tank should solve this problem; just be sure to not cause too much circulation that would overly "blast" your fish and plants.

i have a power head, but it keep it a little more towards the top. if i made it move through the center, do you think that would be better?


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4 minutes ago, lkly said:

i have a power head, but it keep it a little more towards the top. if i made it move through the center, do you think that would be better?


It should help, as long as it's not blasting the plants.

I had a similar problem, mulm build up and small particles suspended in the water column. At that time, I was at 3x turnover. I increased to 6-7x turn over and problem solved.

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9 minutes ago, Mmiller2001 said:

It should help, as long as it's not blasting the plants.

I had a similar problem, mulm build up and small particles suspended in the water column. At that time, I was at 3x turnover. I increased to 6-7x turn over and problem solved.

ok, i think i have my issue then. I don't usually run my powerhead through the middle because it seemed strong. it has 240gph. what is a good low profile powerhead i could use for my 10 gallon.

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4 hours ago, lkly said:

ok, i think i have my issue then. I don't usually run my powerhead through the middle because it seemed strong. it has 240gph. what is a good low profile powerhead i could use for my 10 gallon.

I'm not sure, I think hydor has a line of nano power heads. Never used any though.

Edited by Mmiller2001
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