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9 hours ago, pictish_samurai said:

Has anyone breed badis looking for a new challenge 

No personal experience, but here's a few videos to check out. You may find conflicting information presented here, especially with how many can be kept together.





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@erererThanks for the shout-out! I have bred them, happy to discuss the details with you (or anyone) via DM's. In summary, buy a group of them from another hobbyist (Aquabid is a good source), raise them up until you are certain you have a female. Set up two densely planted aquariums. Feed the adults baby brine and microworms. Once you see the female become fat, then skinny (she has laid eggs), move the pair to next tank. You should see very small fry in about 1 week. Continue to feed microworms, hold the BBS until the babies are a bit bigger. A good tactic is to keep the aquariums stocked up with cull Neocardina shrimp, that way the adults can snack on the babies and encourage more breeding. Good luck! 

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A couple more random thoughts about breeding badis. Obtaining a moina culture is very, very helpful but unnecessary. Also, consider trying to breed Ellasoma (pygmy sunfish) first. They are hardier and easier to breed, with similar care requirements and habits. A nice fish to make sure your system is going to do well before you pull the trigger on an expensive group of badis from an online auction hoping to obtain just one elusive female. Hope this helps!

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