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Cory, Cannot thank you enough


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I think there are many, many forum members on here that can relate. Cory put this together just at the perfect time, and it has eased a lot of the isolation many of us have felt this past year. Welcome Nini! I am glad you found us.

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@Nini Welcome Mary! I agree with you @Brandy, this forum and the hobby in general is so much more than just keeping fish. This forum is such a great place to meet wonderful people that one can relate to. I kept aquariums for 10 years or so now but never joined anything online like a forum before. But knowing the Co-op team put this together and seeing all the great people here, I knew I had to join. 

I hope you continue finding joy in your aquarium and that you can find that larger aquarium @Nini! Thank you for sharing this post with us. 


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