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White scale, and black spots.. what wrong with my betta?


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we are in the process of moving and i have to keep my betta in a small container. when i was changing the water i noticed a white scale and black spots. i am not sure if the black spots are apart of his color but here are the photos.





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Hi, I personally wouldn't worry too much about the black spots, I've noticed them in a line pattern similar to yours on my betta's fins and they've never been a problem. As for the white scale I wouldn't worry too much about it since it seems a bit too big to be ich, and colminaris &/or hole in the head don't normally appear in that area. My guess would be a missing scale, but perhaps @Colu might have a better diagnoses?

Edited by FlyingFishKeeper
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the problem is like i said we are in the process of moving. so we have had to stay in hotels for a month or two. and this  friday we move to the new house but we wont get the fish tanks from the moving truck for a while. i was thinking of upgrading his tank anyway. but i have two male bettas. so it would be really expensive.

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I would mainly be worried if the water is not 75* or so. That would be worse. If the white thing grows into a tumor then I have had that before. If is a genetic thing I think, and the bettas can live with it unless it covers something important like a gill or something. But it could also be fish tb and they make tumors as well and those can transfer to humans. I recommend you research that. 

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57 minutes ago, FlyingFishKeeper said:

Hi, I personally wouldn't worry too much about the black spots, I've noticed them in a line pattern similar to yours on my betta's fins and they've never been a problem. As for the white scale I wouldn't worry too much about it since it seems a bit too big to be ich, and colminaris &/or hole in the head don't normally appear in that area. My guess would be a missing scale, but perhaps @Colu might have a better diagnoses?

I don't think you have any thing to worry about its probably rubed scale when transferring it between your tank and container as for the black spots on fins I don't think it's anything I would monitor if you notice any visible hole in the fin start treating with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons

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