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  1. Hello all, I really wish I could have cleared this up on my own but at this point it's getting worse, not better, and I'm getting pretty worried. Right off the bat, water parameters: 0ppm Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate pH about 7.4 GH about 200ppm KH about 120 Temp at about 69-70 Farenheit depending on the time of day My Shubunkin goldfish, Pebbles, has had some regular issues with developing ulcers that usually have gone away on their own and recently I hadn't had much problems with them. However over the past two weeks they've developed worse than I have ever seen them, and his top fin is started to look really quite bad, plus it has spread to his tail. If on the off chance someone knows just by looking what I can do about this, I'm going to post the initial photo here before getting into details: Before the ulcers developed I also noticed this behavior that concerned me that seemed like swim bladder problems where Pebbles would be nose to the bottom, tail to the top, which hasn't improved, even after feeding shelled peas: Pebbles is in a 75 gallon acrylic aquarium with only two other inhabitants: two golden dojo loaches named Omi and Bambam. The tank had something like a fungus outbreak two weeks ago that I had cleared up with a water change and thorough gravel vacuuming. Then it came back a week after that (so one week ago) with a vengeance so I did an even more thorough gravel vacuuming, scrubbed all the hard scape, cleaned the sponge filter and the canister filter which had gotten really gunky with a slime, and started the whole tank on the med trio. The fungus is now 100% gone and even the remnants I hadn't gotten with scrubbing are gone now after the med trio, but that's when Pebbles developed these lesions. To make matters weirder, Omi, the larger of the dojo loaches whom I think may be a female, has developed this bloating around the anus that I cannot tell if it's constipation or if Omi is egg bound or what is happening here, but shelled peas and meds didn't help with it either. The smaller loach, Bambam, seems perfectly fine. As I said I did the full med trio and today is day 7 where I did a 30% water change and I am not seeing any improvement. I have some minimal amount of plants in here I struggled to get to grow because the fish like to tear them up, but at this point I am considering just taking out the sad looking anubias's, doing a salt treatment, and letting the crypts die cause I'm a bit desperate. Any tips on my next steps?
  2. This is our 8-year-old goldfish, Bruce. These ulcers appeared on her mouth this morning and her poop has been thin and stringy. Is this hole in the head? What can we do for her? She is in an unheated 75 gallon tank with regular water changes using our well water. All water parameters are good and nothing has been changed in months, since the addition of some jungle val. She shares her tank with 1 apple snail and 20 white cloud mountain minnows.
  3. Hi there, I started noticing the scales on the side of one of my Bala Sharks start raising about a week ago. Thought maybe he got in a bit of a tussle with another fish and suffered a wound. However, it has now grown into this mess on his side. I’ve started a treatment of Melafix for a bacterial infection but I’m unsure if I see results yet. Any ideas as to what this is/what I can do to heal it? He’s acting normal and eating, but now has this on his side. Water Parameters: PH: ~7 Nitrates: ~15 Hardness:~11 Nitrites: ~.25 Ammonia: 0 (just did 50% water change, did not check before doing weekly 50% change) Water Temp: 79 Degrees Any help is appreciated, Jon
  4. Hello all, I finally after many months of work got my planted community tank established. So I bought a school of neon tetras, I noticed one yesterday is missing his lower lip. He just has a hole where his mouth should be. I have an old 6.5 gal tank that I’ve turned into a hospital tank. I put 2 tablespoons of salt and placed him in there. So I was wondering, will he heal from this? Or should I just cut my losses and euthanize him?
  5. Hello there! I recently started watching and looking at fish to help with overall life issues and just something I wanted to put my focus on with everything that has gone down this year. So I decided to start small. I got myself a single gold fish, in a 40L (8.8ish galleon) tank. After about a month, I noticed I had a spike in Ammonia. Realized that my substrate was FAR too thick. No matter how much gravelling I did, it wasn't doing enough cleaning. I only realised this when I noticed my fish started acting strange. So after watching all the videos. I did a full clean. Put about 30% of the fish water in a separate container. Fully scrubbed the entire fish tank. Started fresh. Low amount of substrate, fresh water changes weekly (Ammonia returned to clear again). Then I noticed a white patch on my fish. So like the novice I am, I went to the fish store, and just bought all the meds surrounding "fungal", and other things like "EasyBalance" & "NitrateMinus" (both by Tetra) - side note, I already used a dechlorinator and waited a week before adding the goldfish. I started using them all to hopefully mitigate what was going on. I have a filter which uses carbon, so during this, I turned off the filter and left a air stone running to help with water circulation and just overall additional oxygen. However then the white patch opened up. So I thought ok, somethings obviously more serious here. So I started doing every 5 days a 50% water change. Using a medicine called "Melafix" by API Fish Care. I'm started to get worried that what I am currently doing will eventually lead to it's death. Even if its a small goldfish and most who I've talked to said it's not worth the cost... Is not what I am looking for. I want to save it's life at whatever cost. So any help would be much appreciated. It might be a super common thing that I'm just not searching for the right terms or something. - Oliver Image link, sorry it's not a full side on view, I was told it was best to give it a place to hide and rest whilst in the medical stage, and didn't want to disturb it for a photo!
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