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  1. Title says it all. I've wanted to keep White Clouds so I thought it would work great. Catch is, it would most likely have to stay outside year round. The pond container itself also has to "look good" for the fiance. Might have to do a whiskey barrel. Wondering how possible this would be, and what size I should aim for. Any tips, opinions, or suggestions would be great.
  2. Who else is excited 2020 is finally over!! I know i am! with 2021 almost here, I'm wondering what perdictions we may have as what will gain popularity in the aquarium hobby in the next few years. Here are my peridictions: -Jarariums will gain lots more attraction -Terariums/ Paladariums will gain more attraction with fish keepers (turtles especially) -Shrimp, are allready popular but I beleive that this invertibrate will only gain more attraction. -More Planted nano tanks. -Ponds (indoor or outdoor, but especially indoor).
  3. Does anyone change their light settings with regard to Daylight Savings Time? Most of my tanks are entering their first, and I never really thought of it before, but now I am, and am adjusting their feeding and light schedule to reflect this change. Does anyone else, and if so, what do you do?
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