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  1. in this 2.5 gallon tank there is Amazon sword Elodea Amazon Frogbit Betta hut Delta male Betta lighting bolt nerite snail i hope you like this photo of this tank I made for myself because I got it from other of my tanks because it looks beautiful and pretty 😍 than I got this betta from petco because I looks like a white, shimmer, and red betta male and got this lighting-blot nerite snail but he his hiding right now and I hope you like this photo Their the type of equipments are Pamfly aquarium led light Tetra whisper filter Aqueon 7.5 watt heater Plastic lid
  2. I have a 125 Gallon and I want to add river rock, where I live there is hundreds of tons and I was told I can use them if I wanted. I don’t know what kind of chemicals they used to kill weeds or whatever. Is it worth cleaning them up and use them or are they pretty much ruined? Recently the only weed killer they used has been vinegar and water and bleach. Many years back they used roundup. I’m in no rush, but if it’s something I can clean how would I go about doing so so make them tank clean/friendly. Thanks
  3. Hello all, I went to our local river and was able to pick out some nice rocks for my new tank setup. In cleaning them, some of the rocks have cracks/holes in them, others look like they have different rock deposits in them that look almost sandy, and other allow small particles to be rubbed off. I can get some pictures tomorrow when it gets light out outside. I have varying colors or reds, whites and blacks that see like they will work well together. In watching videos a lot of people focus on the acid test to see if it will change water hardness. It seems like regardless of the rock type there are three main concerns: 1. The rock can dissolve in your tank increasing the hardness of your tank. I am not too concerned about that one right now. 2. The rock can have copper deposits in them that can kill your invertebrates. It can also have iron too. This can be seen by the green or brown rust on the rock. 3. The mud and little cracks in the rocks can harbor wild flora and fauna that we do not want in our tanks. This can be treated by bleach, boiling rocks, or baking them. Thin or deep cracks look cool but could be hard to get cleaned out. Besides the copper veins being a big issue for my shrimp it does not seem like the others are deal breakers. Is there other thinks I should be considering before I put the rocks in my tank as hardscape? How do you feel about wild caught rocks?
  4. I've just collected a bunch of river rocks in assorted sizes shapes and colours, from a local stream. Do I need to boil these before they go in the tank, or will rinsing them in tank water be enough?
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