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Found 7 results

  1. Fish Folk Jr. helped his old man tonight find and catch 12x Okefenokee Pygmy Sunfish fry. The most I'd ever counted at once was seven. This is really exciting, since it means that I can submit these for BAP. Yay! Here's a 30 minute video crammed down to just 2 mins of us catching them all. Had to take just about everything out to find them. I'll bet there's still one bugger in there...
  2. Can I get affirmation that Okefenokee Pygmy Sunfish fry are impossible to find and count??! “All in favor, say aye?” I found 7x a couple weeks back. Now, it’s a 15 min. search for 3x. How is it that they get better at hiding the larger they grow? This one wasn’t hard... This one was much harder... And now please pass the impossible sauce...
  3. A couple years ago, I was at the phase of calling every big aquarium box store begging for tips on when the next dollar-per-gallon sale would kick off. Now, things have found a sort of balance. And I find myself mulling over something different. I’ve just freed up a 20 gal. long that had been... let’s see... a German Blue Ram grow out, then a Brilliant Rasbora grow out, then an Apistogramma Bitaeniata F0 breeding setup attempt (mostly fail), and more recently, an Emerald Killifish grow out. Now it’s empty. The ever-eager-breeder in me wants to try Apistogramma Borrelli. I’d add oak leaves, alder cones, tannin from Rooibos tea, a second cave, some pencil fish as dithers.... I can see it top to bottom in my imagination... But I’m pausing to think: what about all the guppies in outdoor tubs? Where will Rams grow out if that is a successful project? Where better could I place a harassed fish (or some bully) if I needed a solo space? What about my C.A.R.E.S. Xenotoca doadrioi I’m getting too crowded with — wouldn’t this be a good option? It’s a tricky spot to manage... that place where some shred of common sense breaks in on total hobby enthusiasm. Irene made a great video awhile back before starting at the CoOp about why you should join a fish club. It was funny how spot on she was about phases in early aquarists’ experiences. In the end, the Fish Club sure resolves a lot of red hot excitement. But the next leg of the journey is interesting too. The mellowing, settling phase...
  4. Just peeked at Okefenokee Pygmy Sunfish tank where 2x fry showed up this week. I’ve been feeding BBS now daily. By the coloration of their pink bellies, I counted 6x. Four pictured below. There could be more... 10x would be BAP.
  5. The little brother enjoys sharing about some new fish in our tanks. Okefenokee Pygmy Sunfish are very chill unless a male is courting a female. Mark from Jonah's Aquarium did an amazing job shipping these, along with other US Natives.
  6. This little alpha Pygmy sunfish reminds me of “Toothless” from How to Train Your Dragon...
  7. Just reset this 20 gal. No fish yet. I’m looking for suggestions for breeding. Here’s what I’m working with... 2x sponge filters/ Pea gravel + Crushed Coral / Large Rocks / Aged Driftwood / Pothos Roots hang in / Bronze Crypt / Hornwort / Water lettuce / Water from tap is soft / pH slides around depending on tank set up / can be heated or cold water tank What fish would YOU enjoy trying to breed in this 20 gal?
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