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  1. I recently upgraded my multi colony to this 29g. There are currently 12-16 mature adults with 2-3 Bull males. Also 8 grow out juveniles and who knows how many fry in the 3+ dozen shells. They started burying their shells and breeding immediately after moving in, surprise, surprise. I also settled on the new rock configuration I think. Lots of levels, angled line of sight breaks, and many caves/crevices in the holey rock/dragon stone combo. I think this should allow me to get a trio of julidochromis transcriptus. Still waiting on 2 XXL Anubias for those corner planter stones to help with additional cover and breaks of sight and soaking up those nitrates. I think I should also get a power head just to make sure no debris is really settling all over the rockwork. I have a Seachem Tidal HOB and a Medium Size Co-Op Sponge. Is it possible to maybe grow out a single Calvus/Compressiceps or any of the Altolamprologus species in said tank? I’ve read how they take forever to hit full size, so maybe I could have one for a while before needing to trade em in or sell it? What do y’all think? Any advice or experience you have in the matter would be greatly appreciated!
  2. Being that I am living in Wisconsin which resides on granite and limestone deposits I found that I would try my hand at my favorite lake residing cichlid's. I currently am special ordering 4 lepidiolamprologus Kendalli/Nkambae anyone have thoughts on what might be fun to add to the 210 gallon lake tang set up, I am up for all suggestions?
  3. Let's start a Lake Tanganyika thread to share our experiences with different fish species from Lake Tanganyika and be a resource for new Tanganyikan fishkeepers.
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