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  1. Well I purchased a lone jewel cichlid that I saw on petco all alone and sad in a corner of the tank. Figured it would be ok in my green terror tank since I;ve read these can be kept with americans sometimes. No problems at all! Decided to get a second one from a LFS and welp, they came out to be male and female, and after literally days of having them I come home to this: True to their reputation, they quickly cornered my green terror, yes the fish that I had to house alone cause it was a nightmare, yikes. Moved the green terror to my 100g tank and now only the jewel pair remains in the 45g. Any tips? Which food should I give the fry? I was thinking cory's fry food. I was in the process of setting up a 75g for angelfish, but uh oh change of plans, I'll make it a jewel cichlid tank😅
  2. Three days ago baby Hemichromis exsul, Jewel Cichlid appeared! This is a 75g community tank. The parents are very protective. So far no bloodshed but only because isn't overstocked and most of the other fish are fast. The first day I put in some of the co-ops fry food I had and then I just started grinding up flake. Normally I would have had bbs for them but I had hatchery problems. I got that straightened out and fed baby brine shrimp this morning. Can anyone tell me if they are old enough to eat bbs? They are managing to eat something or they wouldn't have made it the last 3 days.
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