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  1. Hello! I'm in the brainstorming stage in regards to stocking a 40 breeder. I'm thinking about glass catfish since it's a fish I've not yet kept but it's intriguing to me. I'd love to hear some opinions from first hand experience with these fish in regards to things like scape, tank mates, behavior, food, and all of that good stuff. What has worked and what hasn't? Also what are the chances I could keep cherry shrimp with them without losing the colony?
  2. Can anyone tell me if the Wondershell will give me the calcium and magnesium that I'm looking for for my plants? I tested my Gh,KH and Calcium and my KH and PH are both sky high and my GH is low (water softener) and when testing for Calcium it was almost non recordable less than 20ppm like 2*
  3. So a few months ago, I went out to look for mollies, and the local pet store had accidently recieved 7 of these ghost catfish, they were not healthy and I couldnt let them die like that, so I have them (one died during their move to my home) in a 20 gallon now, and by the end of next week in a 55 gallon. I know very little about them except that they are river fish that prefer acidic water and as much shade as possible, I have one of those african logs that really saturates your water with brown tanins to keep the light low and to help them, and a sandy bottom, Im hopeing to change them to my gravel bottom 55 gallon, and I was hopeing to add mollies to that tank with them as well, and wanted to find out if mollies are good matches in water parameters. I know in the wild mollies can addapt to acidic water, and I dont drop my water bellow about 7.6 PH, but the water drifts up naturally even with the tanins so high further than my PH test can read. The ghost catfish dont seem to have an issue with this as long as I dont drastically change it, and I try to only lower it a small amount at a time. Will mollies be fine with this? And on a side note; what about a pictis catfish or cory?
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