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  1. I am doing the fishless cycle and on day 26 of it using the one only bacteria product(which I have learned does NOT take 5-7 days) with dr Tim’s ammonia chloride solution. Question,I added more ammonia yesterday as nitrite FINALLY reached 0 ppm with already days before it reached 0 ppm and this morning the ammonia is .50 ppm and nitrite 2 ppm. Do I add more until it can go down to 0 ppm within 24 hours? This is a freshwater aquarium. Has a heater and filter. I am seeing 20 ppm nitrates right now but present nitrite it is probably not reading it right…..do I add more ammonia??? Or do wait a couple more hours as I waiting 24 from when I added yesterday…
  2. Hello! So I have a 75 gal aquarium that has driftwood with java ferns and moss, and val. in a ceramic pot inside the tank to contain it. Temp is about 74 F. My stocking is currently: 2x Dojo Loach (super fun gold and brown loaches) 1x Senegal Bichir (love this fish, the other loaches encourage him to be active) 1x Clown Loach (swims with dojos, is very active) 1x Angelfish (Black, super sleek, cant wait for him to get huge) 1x Electric Blue Acara (Super Cheap plant friendly cichlid with AMAZING color) My tank has been doing great, just added the Angel and EBA last week, angel is a bit shy. I was thinking of getting another solo fish similarly sized to the EBA that had a different, just as bold color, I kind of went for a spread of colors, and would love something Red, Green, or Yellow. I would get a Rope Fish but I read that I should probably have one of those in a 6ft tank, and I feel like my tank already has too many bottom dwellers. I originally wanted to have an oscar or goldfish tank but cant give up my planted tank, or its benefits. Im looking to get another two fish for this tank and call it a day. I will probably add a second angel if I can find a red devil, guy at the store said two males can work in a 75g, and that mine was probably a male. What can you recommend for me? Thanks!
  3. So, currently have a kh and gh of: kh, 40 ppm which is like around 2 dkh or whatever that is (so confused on that) and gh of 60 ppm which is probably 3 dkh (what is that dkh or am I saying it wrong) the minnows I am soon getting (WCMMs) need a kh and gh of around 4 to 8 dkh. Do I need crushed coral? If I do? How much? Or no. Is this a big concern? Also input on importance of this will be helpful if u can help me on any of these things thanks a lot!!
  4. I am cycling the 10 gal currently and wondering how many of the wcmm I could get an and how many shrimp with them? The tank is not planted but will have a decent amount of hides soon when I go to petsmart. The tank is setup and temp is 78 degrees but I will cool it down before I get the minnows and that temp is good for cycling too….So how many? Dont want to overcrowd the tank but I want more than 1 fish obviously.
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