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  1. Hello! I have a small 8 gallon tank that is currently home to 9 chili rasboras, many snails, and one mystery fish. When I bought the rasboras back in September, there was a tiny baby fry (smaller than a grain of rice) in the bag with them that I decided to put in the tank. Fast forward to now, and I've started spotting this shy fella near the bottom of my tank. This mystery fish started off as a very pale pink color but the body has steadily darkened over the past few weeks. The fins are clear but the dorsal fin in particular has a yellow fringe. Total size is around 2-3cm, or a little over an inch. Behavior-wise, it keeps to the bottom third of the tank and doesn't venture far beyond the central rock and wood decorations in the middle of the tank, and never seems to swim outside of plant cover (the dwarf sag provides plenty of that). It is extremely shy and hides as soon as I get close to the tank, but comes back out if I keep very very still. My first guess is some type of dwarf cichlid but I have no experience keeping them. Provided this guy doesn't grow large enough to threaten the well-being of the chilis, or doesn't grow so big that I'd feel bad keeping it in an 8 gallon tank, I'm happy to leave it as a part of the tank. Hit me with your best guesses.
  2. I have some fish that were surrendered too me and I’m not 100% what they are wouod really appreciate if someone can identify them for me im pretty sure the last 2 images are minnow least killifish, but I’m lost on the first 2 pictures
  3. I adopted some abandoned fish from another teacher in my high school. They are outside my wheelhouse can you assist me in identifying them and a little info about them please? Many thanks, Tedrock
  4. Good afternoon all, I went and got the last two neon blue gobies they had at the fish store. One in the bag looked kind of big to me. When I got home I looked closer and this one definitely looks and acts a little different than the other 5 I have. Is it just a big neon, or is it something else? Thank you.
  5. I will not state what I think it is because I do not want to influence you. It has to be a net or plant transfer because the tank they came from only had very different fish in it. That were moved 4-5 weeks ago. I moved my mystery snails a couple days ago from this 20G to a different 20G and during that process I noticed 5-6 tiny fry I thought they were danios (that’s the other breed) because from that tank when I moved the fish 4-5 weeks ago I found 6 danio fry in there and moved them to another tank. So I just scooped these guys up without even taking a good look at them and transferred them with the mystery snails. This morning I was feeding and this caught my eye…Their about a 1/2 long I seen 3 of them this morning. Previously in this tank were the danios, a single endler, and 6 guppies. I am very confident it’s none of these species and if it is blaaa.
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