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  1. I'm still having a hard time getting them to lay in the mop(I've given up) and I don't yet see anything in my water lettuce but I found a group of 5-6 eggs in my mop today (was just checking it over before I threw it in the garbage) and I found that 2 of them were fertile and the others were gross looking. I separated out the two good ones in a petri dish and moved them to my empty fry tub that I hide under my desk. If these two guys make it they'll be the most watched and pampered rice fish fry ever since they'll be my first babies. Anyway, I thought I'd share a photo of the eggs, with some thread stuck to them from the mop. It's hard to see from this angle, but face on you can both eye spots really well. From a random paper with photos I found I'm guessing these guys are about half way done before hatching.
  2. So here are some pictures of my Super Red pair. Male is short fin and female is long fin. I usually get about 75% long fins which leads me to believe that my female is Aa for the long fin gene, assuming that the long fin is a dominant Mendelian trait (the male is aa recessive for short fin). I've been photographing the eggs for the past few days: This photo is 12 hours after fertilization. This photo is 4 days after fertilization. You can see their eyes and tiny heads attached to the yolk sack inside the egg!!!
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