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  1. So I wanted to get everyone’s opinion on here. I have a heavily planted 30 gallon tank. Currently I have 6 albino Cory’s, 1 Bolivian ram, 6 black neon tetras, 6 cherry barbs, and now I recently purchased 2 male powder blue dwarf gouramis and 2 male flame dwarf gouramis. I know you’re not supposed to put more than 1 male, especially in a 30 gallon but I had not done my research properly on these fish. I have been monitoring them for about 3 days now and I have not seen any aggression or any chasing. They’ve been well fed and all are eating fine. I’m curious if this trend of peacefulness will continue, or will I wake up with dead fish in the future. Like I said though, they seem to be doing great together, most of the time they swim around together. I attributed this to them all coming from the same tank at the pet store. Any info is appreciated
  2. I’ve read several places that not keeping enough cichlids together can increase aggressive behavior. Does this apply to dwarf cichlids too?
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