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  1. Hi all! My planted tank is about 6 weeks old now and everything is going well overall. All the plants are producing new shoots/leaves however the cryptocoryne lutea has been somewhat of an enigma. Each time it produces a stem, over the next few days, a different stem will yellow and die off. At this point, I'm 99% certain all of the original leaves have already melted away, so I'm dealing with all new, post-planting stems. All of the other plants are thriving, so I don't think I have a mineral deficiency. I also have a crypto wendtii green, which is having no problems. Maybe this species needs more root tab than the other? I've included a handy-dandy photo! Yeah, I have too much time on my hands... Thanks in advance all!
  2. My relatively new crypt lutea 4 weeks in the tank was pitch black , I thought it was melting. I sent a picture of it to the local store in NY where I bought it and they told me that this is not a melting plant but it is covered with algae and will die if not solved. They suggested to try to rub the algae off first with my fingers ... I tried but the algae did not move . Yesterday I added 3 ramshorn snails to the tank and already most of the crypt is green again !!!! What I though was a dead leaf was super green on the inside. I hope it's not a beginner mistake and my tank won't turn into a snail breeding tank but so far these snails are doing such a good job, moving constantly and already after one night cleaned so much algae and I love thier look. This picture the snail that cleaned the algae now eating a dead leaf
  3. Looks like my crypt is shredded. That shredded part used to be a leaf. Is it dying? Should I cut that part off? Brand new to plants here lol
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