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  1. When Cory tells you it’s a fast growing plant the first thing you should do is go by and ax😊 I bought five Hornwort plants about two weeks ago maybe. They were about 6 inches tall when I got them and they look nice and healthy packaging was beautiful no problem. the picture of them is in 180 gallon tank 24 inches high in two weeks Cody certainly knows what he’s talking about. Thanks PS; I buy everything at the aquarium co-op so I forgot that I didn’t get these plants from Aquarium coop : I don’t member where I got them, but Cory did tell me it was a great growing plant. Thanks again Cory I
  2. So I found these really weird things in my hornwort I don’t know what they are they look like eggs but white and big... Thanks
  3. Hello, About 6 months ago I removed all the hornwort from my one tank that housed it and thought i was left with one little half inch clipping of it thats ive been nursing back to health. Well to my surprise i looked in a bucket on my back balcony that has maybe 3 inches of water in it and found that some Java moss and Hornwort were left in the bucket and have thrived! Now when introducing the hornwort the the tank should i let it free float too acclimate back to warmer water? Or should i plant it in the substrate? I know hornwort is a column so it will draw from the water column for food but will it being close to the light cause it to grow faster?(weird because it seems to enjoy being in a dark bucket with little light. Also i run a sponge filter so i dont have to worry about a HOB sucking it in.
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