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  1. This morning, I boxed all my Okefenokee Pygmy Sunfish, making their 20 gal tall cool-water tank available. Now, at work, my Florida Flagfish have been terrorizing my Rainbow Shiners, preventing them from spawning. So! I caught the Flagfish... And brought them home to their new room... Beforehand, I changed water in my Rainbow Shiner tank... And enjoyed seeing them happy again... And I did check the “Java box” for Flagfish fry, but nothing visible... So! Flaggies have a love suite... Shiners have freedom to fire up again... and here’s to hoping the Okefenokee Pygmy Sunfish live happily ever after!
  2. Hi All, Newbie here.... I set up a new 9 gallon tank and put my male Betta in, next day I got six ember tetras. Well Betta is attacking and killing tetras one by one : ( I thought they were good and/or acceptable tank mate for him. Anyone else have this problem? The Embers were juveniles and quite small, not sure if that had anything to do with it. Maybe rasboras will do better or maybe he is just a very aggressive Betta and I should just let him have the tank to himself? Thanks!
  3. Water parameters are good , tanks at 79f and I do a 30% water change once or twice a week , been battling what looks like a fungus on some other fish but it's been getting better , and then this guy ... Oh this guy recently started flaring alot and pushing my other molly into the corner , I moved the other guy to another tank and about a day later this one is now rubbing it's underside just beneath it's gills on a plant and then nipping at the plants , also no fake plants and first time seeing this behavior , any thoughts ? The molly that did get moved stopped eating a few days ago and is on its last leg , I don't want to bring it back into the community tank because the big guy bully's him , no signs of illness or eradic behavior.
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