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  1. I was trying to breed a female crowntail to a male long finned samurai betta I tried to condition them with high protein food slowly introducing them first in cups then in a tank with a divider letting them check each other out and get used to each other they seemed very interested in one another but after a good while of conditioning them I let the female into the tank after feeding them some bloodworms beforehand my female crowntail started to chase my male samurai I realize that it is normal for bettas to fuss at each other but once she calmed down my male samurai started to charge her and ram her he bit her tail and ripped out a piece it got to the point where she tried to jump out of the tank so I removed her for her safety I am new to this I haven't bred bettas for at least 10 years the last time I did it went very smoothly with no problems like this at all and that breeding pair was with a male crowntail and a solid red hmpk I'm not sure what to do any advice would be very appreciated
  2. Been researching different ways to breed my Betta fish.. but I'd really love to hear from some people who have successfully went through this breeding process first-hand, please? What are some good, helpful tips and what are some dos and donts with Betta fish breeding for beginners? Thank you!
  3. Well... the old long-finned blue boyfriend, as big and handsome as he was, didn’t treat her right. So! We’re on to a “new betta boyfriend.” He’s an older man... she seems interested. Put a black foam circle in to encourage bubble nest building. Tank looks a mess, but water was just changed. Decomposing Catappa leaf and other hornwort droppings are allowed to decompose and establish micro life. The cut-away clear jugs are a dream for moving and separating bettas.
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