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  1. What's the official word on how to do this? Do any of the companies who make them post acclimation instructions? (I've been looking and can not find any yet). As usual, I read conflicting information one the internet about how this topic, like "don't float, you'll suffocate fish", "don't float the bags are toxic to the existing aquarium environment" to "I float therm all the time no problem". Like I said, can anyone link me some reputable information, like info from the manufacturers themselves? EDIT - I don't want to start a fish acclimation flame war here. I'm just hoping someone stumbled across something from Kordon, etc. that addresses this topic.
  2. I ordered fish from Flip Aquatics. I ordered 5 Panda corydora (received 1 extra YAY) and 3 otto's (that is all they had left 😞) to add to my 2 existing in the 40 gallon breeder tank. Although I paid for the 1 day shipping, it suddenly got SUPER hot here in North Carolina (over 95 degrees' in May!) I was VERY concerned about my fish. When they arrived, I checked that they were all alive and doing well. I then floated them in the aquarium (as I usually do) put the timer on for 20 Min.. and began to read the information in the package. It said on the info card DO NOT FLOAT THE BAGS!! Well, it was to late, at this point I had 3 minutes left. I usually am a float, then into the QT tank they go. The bags that are used are a self breathing type (which is why they had no air in them). I have never seen these nor ordered online fish where these were used (hence my initial error). They are all doing great. I have had them for 7 days in the QT tank. Per the instructions, I could have KILLED them! Does anyone have experience with these types of fish bags? my QT tank is a 10G so I am limited in space to temp acclimatize fish. Any suggestions or tips would be appreciated so I know what to do the next time I order fish from a retailer that uses these bags.
  3. I will be shipping using breather bags in the next month or so. I have read the horror stories of breather bag seams busting. Would you re-seal the factory seam with an induction sealer prior to adding water and fish to try and avoid that risk? Would that be likely to solve the problem or cause some other issue ? v/r Matt
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