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  1. Hi all, I just noticed this morning that my female mystery/apple snail has some white fuzz growing on her shell. We know she's female because she's been laying eggs on and off since early August. My water parameters are where they should be and I have live plants. My temperature stays between 76-78 degrees F. I also have a betta fish in the tank (it's 5 gallons) and added a whole almond leaf last week for preventative measures. I do have a tiny bit of an ammonia spike since I'm currently also trying to revive some dead Christmas Moss that I purchased from my local fish store a week ago. I did a water change two days ago since measuring this spike. I have been using crushed coral in my tank since May, when I got my snail. She also primarily eats Kat's Aquatics Calcium + Nutrition and Fluval Bug Bites Algae Crisps. I'm worried if she's getting enough calcium, despite my efforts with the crushed coral and snail food. The medications I have on hand right now are: API Aquarium Salt, Kordon Ich Attack, Seachem Kanaplex, Seachem Focus, and Seachem Equilibrium. I appreciate any help and advice in advance.
  2. the brown striped one is the Apple Snail. The white one is a large Mystery Snail.
  3. Hi my name is Jerri, I bought some snail's a few months ago, thank goodness my Parrot fish ate 4 of them one survived, so I bought some mystery snails, which are no problem, but the lone survivor is not a mystery snail after all he is a true Apple snail, just about the size of a tennis ball and has eaten over $ 200. 00 dollars in plants now, I feed over 20 algae wafers twice a day and he still has consumed all my moss off from large cholla wood my val. almost all the floating duck weed and fairy moss creeping charley, all my plants connected to the lava rocks, the problem is I'm pretty well stuck with Godsnaila because I understand that they are illegal and I don't have the heart to do him in, any suggestions
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