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  1. Hello! So I have a 75 gal aquarium that has driftwood with java ferns and moss, and val. in a ceramic pot inside the tank to contain it. Temp is about 74 F. My stocking is currently: 2x Dojo Loach (super fun gold and brown loaches) 1x Senegal Bichir (love this fish, the other loaches encourage him to be active) 1x Clown Loach (swims with dojos, is very active) 1x Angelfish (Black, super sleek, cant wait for him to get huge) 1x Electric Blue Acara (Super Cheap plant friendly cichlid with AMAZING color) My tank has been doing great, just added the Angel and EBA last week, angel is a bit shy. I was thinking of getting another solo fish similarly sized to the EBA that had a different, just as bold color, I kind of went for a spread of colors, and would love something Red, Green, or Yellow. I would get a Rope Fish but I read that I should probably have one of those in a 6ft tank, and I feel like my tank already has too many bottom dwellers. I originally wanted to have an oscar or goldfish tank but cant give up my planted tank, or its benefits. Im looking to get another two fish for this tank and call it a day. I will probably add a second angel if I can find a red devil, guy at the store said two males can work in a 75g, and that mine was probably a male. What can you recommend for me? Thanks!
  2. I finally convinced my spouse to let me re-enter the hobby after a 2 year hiatus from a devastating tank explosion in our old apartment complex. I’m currently in the process of readying a 75g planted tank for angelfish in our new home. I haven’t really decided but I’ve narrowed it to plain silvers, zebra silvers or I’m also intrigued by these new rio nanay angels with the yellow speckles. Anyways, This isn’t my first time with angelfish(maybe long term it will be) nor fish in general. But right now I’m really attracted to the vertical anal and dorsal fin look. There’s just something about that look. Anyways my thing is, I’ve seen other people’s angels and when fully grown they seem to have lost that vertical look and the fins seam to naturally fold back. Is there any way I can prevent this and grow them to there max potential with as vertical of a shape as possible??? Or is it maybe a genetic thing that’s a game of luck? Some people have recommended altums to me since they seem to look more vertical and as much as I’d love that, I’m just not that rich right now and I don’t feel comfortable starting with something as expensive as those in a tank that’s not as seasoned as I’d like. I haven’t purchased anything yet, I’m just letting the tank and plants grow out for now while I do research. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
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