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Posts posted by MAC

  1. I had a minute so I quickly played with this in my rudimentary meme editor. 

    I put some val in the back corners, sorta semi circled the rock with pearlweed in the center, the driftwood off to a side moving towards center and scattered some crypts. 227934923_ZomboMeme27042021151327.jpg.89c488466f5c03d867328371503f1c02.jpg

    Fun exercise! Good luck with your new tank!

    • Like 3
  2. I've never boiled any of the countless rocks I've collected and put in my aquariums. I may rinse them if there's noticable stuff stuck to them, but mostly I let them completely dry in the sun or outside for a day or two and call it good. 

  3. I also have irrubesco puffers. The male and female pair seem to happily share a 20 long with no problem aside for the occasional chase away. The male has even tried displaying to the female a few times. I've been thinking about getting a couple more and upgrading them to a 36" long 30 gallon and try them with other tank mates. 

    Very cool fish with lots of personality. If you can find them I highly recommend this unique little puffer. 

  4. I lived in Wenatchee a few years ago when I first started ordering from Aquarium Co-Op. Packages would consistently arrive all banged up. Never late, but for such a short trip the boxes got clobbered. 


  5. @stowcenter93I think I have two males and one female. The two males are strikingly blue at times and joust around each other and wag their tails over their heads in display to the suspected female. She is pretty but much more subdued in color. 

    When I got them it wasn't apparent which was what and the second male took quite some time to display coloration like the other. 

  6. @Koi that is really interesting. Thanks. I've been away and didn't even see that thread. 

    My understanding was nitrate ppm was nitrate ppm and that was that. But I was also thrown off that in order to test well water the lab wanted $40 and I have a simple dropper from API that can do the trick. So it would make sense there was more going on. 

    As for high Aquarium nitrates, I can deal many ways with that. 

    I appreciate the insight. 

  7. I've had three of these guys I bought from a big box store over two years ago. 

    First and foremost ensure the tank is mature and has plenty of surfaces growing organic matter for them to graze on. They are nearly constant eaters. Mine go after any prepared or frozen food that catches their eye as well. 

    Being from moving water I would be sure to keep the water highly oxygenated. I've kept mine in the low 70s temperature wise. 

    These are some of my favorite fish. Mine live with a group of white clouds, characidium tetras, and green swordtails and are alot of fun to watch interact with each other. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. Thanks for the initial replies @GardenStateGoldfish and @Fish Folk

    The high nitrates for the fish are definitely something I can work around. Making some minor stocking adjustments and more plants is easy enough. 

    Mostly I'm going back and forth on slamming the brakes on this move over the readings of a API test kit. The plan was to be out of the current place by Saturday but water results don't get back until Monday. We are not moving if the water is going to be an issue. Greater than 10ppm nitrate is not considered healthy from what I've found online. 

    But I think gardenstategoldfish is right, if the test kit was off it probably wouldn't be off more than 10ppm or so. The readings for all 20+ of my tanks have been within a range that had made sense depending on setup. 

    Maybe the big take away from this is get a well (professionally) tested BEFORE you decide to move in.

    Need some EasyWell Test Strips. 

    • Like 1
  9. Straight to the point: I'm just about to move into a new place that is on a well, we signed for it already and have the keys. Today I moved the first load of crap to the place and brought back some water to give the ol water parameters check (API liquid test kits) because I figured the gh and kh would be significantly higher than my super soft municipal tap. Well, it is. But I'm also showing a slight greening in the ammonia and the Nitrate is wayyy to high. I can never tell the difference between 40 and 80ppm, but I'm pretty certain that's not good for drinking let alone fish keeping.


    So here's my concern, I gotta move, it's already happening. Best I can do is get a water sample to the lab in the morning with results likely not coming back until Monday. From what I found 10mg/l or ppm is considered safe for drinking. My question; is what my test kit showing accurate enough to ensure that when I start the conversation with the new landlord about this issue the lab results are going to be similar? 

    I'd hate to raise this big stink only to have my water come back at 8ppm or something. Im kicking myself for not testing the water before signing but with the rental and housing market in my area we felt like we had to pounce or miss out. I'm afraid this is going to become quite the headache. 


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