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Posts posted by Corbidorbidoodle

  1. This worked a treat!

    Sorry to take so long on the update. I put it in a glass bowl with half a bottle or so of water for my SodaStream. Topped it with a glass plate and put a towel over the whole thing in my laundry room for a day. Then I just put the bowl in my guppy tank and the guppies ate all the dead algae and stuff off. Now I have about three good size handfuls of perfectly good Christmas moss that I put in a few different tanks.

    I can't recommend this enough!


  2. How's this plant for you guys? I'm trying it for the third time and it was doing great, but today I noticed pinholes.

    I bought it about 2 weeks ago, and it was doing good. It's grown two or three sets of new leaves, and the color was good. But today I just noticed potassium deficiency type pinholes all over the leaves.

    I'm dosing CO2, easy green twice a week, and potassium on Saturdays. I did see potassium deficiency issues and some other plants a long time ago, but since I've been dosing potassium specifically everything else has been doing great. I use the flourish potassium.

    It's a 55 gallon tank with one to two bubbles per second of CO2. Finnex stingray 2 for 10 hrs with a ciesta.

    Do you think it still needs more potassium? It's gotta be something else, right?



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  3. So, sure, a. Scarlet Badis all colored up for breeding is the hands down winter. But what about regular time? What do you guys think?

    I have a tank with a Scarlet Badis and a tank with a Black Tiger Badis. Just day-to-day, the Black Tiger seems so much cooler to me. In general he's got much better color, and he's more fun to watch. I see him more than just meal times. Most the time he's got more red than the Scarlet does.

    Has anyone else kept both of these fish? What do you think? Everybody talks about the Scarlet bettis all the time, but there's some other really cool ones. I want to try out one of these Flame Badis, but I'm not sure if they'll look as cool as they do on the internet. It seems the colors and photos are always punched away up.

    I don't think there's a right answer. I just want to know what some of other people's experiences are.

  4. I have a couple species tanks with little things like Blue Eyes and CPDs that are def hooking up in there. I figure there's at least some potential for babies.

    But I have various snails (like ramshorns) and some handfuls of culled shrimp hanging out in there with them. The inverts are probably eating the eggs, right?

    I'm not looking to start a farm or anything, but I wouldn't say no to a sweet little CPD colony.

    If I use some Copper Power or something to clean out the inverts, will that help with babies? Is it best to keep breeding tanks invert free? Or do they help in some way?


  5. So, I'm a very DIY fish keeper. I buy almost everything second hand, and from thrift stores. When possible. Though I've spent a pretty penny with ACO. All my decorations, rocks, and wood are all from rivers by my house.

    I'm looking for ideas for botanicals and litter that I can harvest from around my house. I've already got oak leaves and alder cones galore, but I'm sure there are other things.

    Does anybody else here have experience collecting junk for your tank in the Pacific Northwest? I live south of Seattle, but pretty much everything around here is the same.





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  6. Thank you very much! I think they may be my favorite of the Ram lines.

    I've got a couple of different tanks with different Rams going. I'm hoping to learn how to get a little bit of passive breeding out of them. I'm not trying to go pro or anything, but it would be fun to have a little bit to spread around to other friends in the hobby.

  7. I've got a rock with Golden ram eggs. The dad seems to be protecting them, and most of them are transparent. Does that mean they're fertilized and ready to be moved to a breeding box?

    I had a pair of GBRs lay eggs. I moved them to a separate container and aerated and heated it, and added some copper power, they all just turned gross and no babies. I don't think they were fertilized though. I never did see a male near them.

    But these ones seem to be better. Both parents are swimming around, and cleaning the rock, and chasing off my rainbow fish. Should I just leave them? Or would it be better to move them to a breeding box?




  8. So, assuming happy fish, I could add a breeder box, a handful of java moss, an say, a couple CPDs and I should get babies, right? 

    So, like, maybe a 10 gallon with something already in there. Then they could live in the box for a week?

    All this and also make sure I've got appropriate food as well, of course.

    Or is it only for holding eggs that you collected from mops or something?

  9. So, assuming happy fish, I could add a breeder box, a handful of java moss, an say, a couple CPDs and I should get babies, right? 

    So, like, maybe a 10 gallon with something already in there. Then they could live in the box for a week?

    All this and also make sure I've got appropriate food as well, of course.

    Or is it only for holding eggs that you collected from mops or something?


  10. So, I don't think the eggs were fertilized. I moved him to a container, put in some copper power green, aerated them, and kept them warm. They all just turned white and then fell off the rock eventually.

    I thought they were fertilized, cuz they were mostly transparent with only a few white ones. But maybe they hadn't even been in there for an hour for all I know.

    I'mma keep trying though.

  11. So, I've had this happen with pretty much any line bred Ram. German Blue, Gold, Electric Blue...

    I'll have a few Rams in a tank doing fine, swimming like Rams, eating, breeding behavior, and then one'll change. They'll find a spot and just hang out there, they look like a person trying not to barf. They get pale, and the next day they'll be hanging out at the top of the tank like there's not enough oxygen. And then the next day they're fertilizer.

    Once in a while one will bounce back, but not usually. Same thing has happened in several tanks. Temps from 77-82.

    It's consistent enough that I feel like it must be a husbandry issues, even though I know these guys are sensitive.


    Nitrate around 10

    Nitrite 0

    Amonia 0

    Gh 300+

    Kh 40

    Ph 6.8

  12. I have a 40 gallon breeder with a handful of German blue Rams and a school of rummy nose tetras. I've been hoping the ramps would spawn but I wasn't banking on it. But now I have a rock covered with eggs!

    I can't tell if the RAM in the picture is protecting. The eggs are eating them. What's the best way to move these eggs to a new tank so that I get lots of little GBR babies?




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  13. Also, The first couple of days he hung around the bottom of the tank lurking and whatnot. Now he pretty much sticks to the top of this pile of rocks, which seems wrong for him.

    I'll attach a picture. You can see him hanging out at the top and you can even see the brine shrimp in the water.




    @Guppysnail is the go to Badis info source? Excellent.

    They're super neat little fish. I've seen them around but haven't tried them yet. They've got a good chance at being my favorite if they're not too tough to keep alive.


    • Thanks 1
  14. I have a 6 gallon cube, heavily planted, with five Luminatus Rainbows and a Scarlet Badis.

    I've only had them for a few days and he seems fine for the most part. I've been feeding them, mostly smashed up Vibra Bites, but the last couple of days I've been feeding them baby brine shrimp. The Rainbows are all about the brine shrimp, but the Badis just sort of glass surfs and ignores them as far as I can tell.

    I did see him pick at the fallen Vibra Bites a little bit. And yesterday I'm pretty sure I saw him eat a couple of brine shrimp at least. But I figured he'd go crazy for them.

    Is this normal for a Badis? I have a similar tank with a Tiger Badis. And it's not like he goes absolutely nuts for the shrimp, but he definitely consistently hunts them.

    I often get a little bit worried when I see fish glass surfing. 

  15. I've read all over the interwebs that Badis are okay with adult cherry shrimp. Have you found that to be the case?

    I have a couple of nano tanks with a half a dozen Rasbora and a badis. I put in a handful of shrimp so they'd have babies for the Badis to eat. But after a couple days, I can't find the shrimp. The tanks have a lot of plants and hiding places though.

    Do you think the Badis are killing and eating adult shrimp? Or do you think they're just hiding somewhere?



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