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Posts posted by Corbidorbidoodle

  1. I'm a cheap skater, so I'm always looking for the budget version of pretty much anything. Sometimes it's worth the extra money though. And the ACO stuff is about the best price around for the stuff that Cory makes. His Easy Tabs are a dang steal compared to some brands.

    I can still use the DIY tabs for some stuff. They work great when they do work. And I spent less on 500 DIY tabs than I did on 2 blue shrimp. So it's not like it's a waste.

  2. I made some Osmocote root tabs but I don't think they're working quite right. I've found that even after adding several, my root feeders don't necessarily perk up. Sometimes they kinda do, and sometimes there's just nothing. (although, sometimes they just explode)

    I think the problem is the gelatin capsules I got. They're getting squishy, but I don't think they're breaking down and releasing the Osmocote beads. Is that possible? I put a couple in a bucket of water, and they got big, then deflated, but stayed more or less wrapped around the Osmocote. Have any of you had that experience?

    I got the XPRS Nutra Capsules Express Pure Gelatin caps. Do you guys have any suggestions for caps that have worked well for you?

    Maybe I'm totally wrong. Could be that I just need to add way more. But the ACO Easy Root Tabs worked great for me with the same dosing.

  3. I'm a relative novice, so I don't know all the really weird stuff, but first thing I thought of was a shrimp colony, because the tank couldn't be more perfect. But I'm going through a shrimp phase, and you may already have thousands.

    You can breed Rams in a 10, right? But your plants might not be right for them high-temp German Blues.

    I'd wanna breed some cool nanos. Like Celestial Rasboras or something.

  4. Have any of you kept or seen great examples of big tanks with tiny fish? I've been thinking about something like a 75 or 125 with, like 1,000 CPDs or something like that. (Wouldn't have to be CPDs)

    I'm wondering what kind of planting would work well too. I feel like giant swords would be the wrong scale for the little fishies.

  5. I have a 30ish gallon tank where I store my plant trimmings, and I put a handful of guppies in there. Now, of course, I have 1 billion babies.

    What's something I could get that'll be enjoyable, pretty, and will limit the population? I'd still like to have some guppies, but I want to slow down the population increase.1865927791_PXL_20220625_151009064_MP2.jpg.27bf075ac1f0c435f516a27726da7fed.jpg

  6. I bought some blue neos from a big box store to start a colony. I know BBSs aren't the best, but I wanted budget shrimp to get the hang of it.

    I think there are a couple blacks in there though. I thought maybe they were just such high grade blue that they were, like, navy. But I'm pretty sure they're black. 

    I'm not super precious about my shrimp, so I don't mind experimenting. But I don't want it to be a waste either. Do you think black will mix with blue okay? Maybe make darker blue or something? Or are they just going to come out wild?

  7. I've got a 50' Python and it's usually really great. But it's stopped sucking out water in water-sucking mode.

    I'm not sure what's wrong with it. It'll fill like a boss. But I just can't get it to drain in the sink.

    Do you guys have that problem? How do I trouble shoot it?

    • Like 2
  8. You know how with real small tanks the water can be less stable and more touchy than with big tanks. Could you connect, like, four 10gal tanks side by side with, like, piping. And then run that water down to a sump?

    I thought it'd be cool to have the four 10s on a rack above a 40 breeder (About the same dimensions). And connect them all together sump style. Then you'd have all the benefit of the big water column but still have the cuteness of the nano tanks.

    Is that possible? Anybody done it?

  9. I your experience, how small of a hole will the clown Kilis jump through? Like, realistically. I've got a DIY polycarbonate lid with a square ish hole cut for the air tubing and heater cord, just barely bigger than the cord. Do you think they'd jump through something like that? Or is it more like if there used to be a HOB and it's not patched up?

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  10. I got 6 little clown Kilis and they're super neat. I can't see much of them in the tank though.

    I've got them in a heavily planted, rimmed 20 gallon. With 10 green neon tetras and a cherry shrimp colony. 

    If you were going to set up a tank around clown Kilis, what would you do? What size tank, what kind of plants, what would be the tank mates?

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