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Posts posted by Corbidorbidoodle

  1. So, this is just sort of a PSA/learn from my mistake.

    I set up a couple of new tanks just for experimenting. Various scaping and whatever. One I bought plants for and the others just plant trimmings. Since I've seen people make DIY root tabs using Osmocote, I thought I could just sprinkle some on the bottom of the tank before I put in the substrate. I'd say I put in about 10 tabs worth.

    Now, after a few weeks, the moment I dip a test strip, the Nitrite and Nitrate pads go instantly bright fuchsia! There's so much nitrite!

    Weirdly, there's no Ammonia. Also, the lower tank has a bunch of guppy mutts and low grade cherry shrimp. They're both doing great. Guppy babies and everything.

    I'm gonna scrap both tanks this weekend and start over. Is it possible to use Osmocote this way? Did I use too much? Not enough substrate?

    I'm wondering if, for this to be effective, maybe I'd need regular sand rather than pool filter sand to cap it properly. I'll probably just go regular substrate when I set them up this time. No need for me to get fancy.


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  2. So after looking around quite a bit I've decided that the green is just weirdly colored tannin. I had a handful of alder cones in each tank, not for any reason 'cept I've seen other people do it.

    But for whatever reason, the water was turning very greenish instead of the brownish I see everywhere else. I've decided that the tannin in combo with a bunch of water lettuce turning the light green and the polycarbonate lids bouncing the green light back in to the tank was just confusing me.

    But I took out the cones, changed some water, even added some Purigen bags, and the water is totes crystal clear now.

  3. Alright, I'm still a novice, but...

    A really nice (expensive?) piece of spider-wood or something with a bunch of nice lines coming out from that big piece of wood to the right, with the branchyness reaching into the middle would be nice.

    Maybe some smallish to medium size pebbles scattered around the river rocks to break up the hard line at the edge of the sand.

    And I'd try some Dwarf Sag around the plants on the left side would look sharp.

    Only other thing would be to pull off the little baby java ferns and glue 'em up the piece of wood on the left.

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  4. Hey, y'all.

    I have a 48" Stingray 2 on my 55 Long (heavily planted, polycarbonate lid). It's just a little bit too bright and I'm getting a little algae.

    I ordered a set of those risers for lights on Amazon, but I didn't do much research and they wires are too narrow, so the light doesn't connect securely. And the plastic clamp parts for the tank are for rimless, so won't fit my rim-ed tank.

    Do any of you have a suggestion for compatible risers? I've seen the 3d printed ones, those are fine. But I prefer the wire kind if they're available.

  5. Thanks! The logo was already designed, really. I just hacked what somebody else more talented than me already did.

    I was just saying that cuz graphic designers would have drawn this in Illustrator or put it together in InDesign. But I don't really know how to use those, so...

    But I did try to stick to the original as much as possible. I rearranged the elements to fit the new word and I'm pretty sure the font is "GreeceBlack".

  6. Hey, guys. I was having a fan boy moment and made those a couple weeks ago. Just a little Photoshop (graphic designers cringing now), and cut them out on my Cricut (I love that thing).

    I'll attach the .PNG file. You can make 'em yourself if you have a cutting tool.


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  7. So I saw these super cool fish at a LFS, and I've learned my lesson about impulse buying fish.

    Have any of you kept these? Are they easy?

    I'd put 2-3 in a 30 gal with 7 Diamond Tetras and 2 Bolivian Rams, or in a 20 with 11 Cherry Barbs and a Powder Blue Gourami.

    Both tanks regular community parameters, planted.

    If they were 4 bucks, I'd just try them, but they're $12, so wanna be sure they'd be okay.

  8. Forgot to follow up...

    Water tested fine, but I just didn't do enough research on the fishies I've got in there. The Diamond Tetras were hassling the guppies. I've since moved them to a tank I setup for overflow plants and making babies and they're doing heaps better.

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  9. I went with just the one schedule. So it's 6:30-9:30 and then 1-8 every day. Mostly because the Feit app seems to have trouble keeping the different times straight. (could be user error) Works fine on the weekends to have them dark for a few hours.

    But it's really helped the algae. I've got some pretty good cleanup crew, but aside from some green-tinting-floating algae, the tanks are lookin' real clean.

    • Like 2
  10. Ugh, I never followed up...

    I've got a couple of the Marineland canister filters. The hoses are so stiff. I'm sure that's to make them durable, and they do their job fine. But, like, I have to move the filter to reposition the outlet. The suction cup clips aren't strong enough to hold the in-tank parts against the curving of the hoses.

    I'll check out the Eheim. And I'll measure the parts to see if that Pond Tubing will fit.

    Where's good to get soft silicone tubing? Can you get it at a hardware store? Or is it just a fish keeping thing?

  11. I went with a Female Powder Blue Gourami. I was at ACO and they had some real pretty ones.

    I almost bought this incredible, mostly red Koi Half Moon they had there. It was on their expensive wall, so I was thinking it over while I was looking around the store for other stuff. And then saw this family who's little girl had picked that one out. It really was a looker.

    So I thanked them for saving me the $40. They were adorable.

    • Haha 2
  12. I freakin' love just seeing what's different every day. And I love seeing what's the same too, for that matter. I've got an old, hand-me-down recliner that I've moved so I can see all 4 of my current tanks if I swivel around. That's a lot better than the kitchen chair I've been dragging around. I love watching the fish up close, but it's starting to make my neck and shoulders hurt after an hour or so.

  13. The Bolbitis is doing quite well. It's not taking over the tank or anything, buy it's grown three little leaves and there's another on the way.

    I don't know if you can see it in this pic, but it's glued to the far side of the white rock. Behind the Windelov.


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  14. I got this light with a glass box full of stuff. I'm pretty sure it's a Finnex Planted 24/7 20" (but not "+"). Could any of you confirm? All the specs seem to fit...

    But, of course, there's no remote. Can any of you suggest a replacement option? I've read (if my ID is correct) that when you plug it in the light believes it's 6am until told otherwise. I suppose I could just get up early and plug it in... Anybody just run it on default?

    I'm considering buying another of the same light, then I'll have the remote that'll work on both. But that's a little bit of a chunk of change. Anybody know if I can buy a replacement remote somewhere? Anyone got an spare?





  15. I think it may just be that he was hiding from the other BR. This one is def not the dominant. The other one is bigger and more colorful. I've got quite a bit of hiding places in there, couple logs and lots of Jungle Val, and Java Ferns and Moss. But I'll set up something specifically for the rams like suggested.

    I was thinking I might have over fed them... Do fish do the same thing people do if they eat too much? Like fall asleep on the couch? There's a school of Diamond Tetras in there with 'em, and I wasn't sure if they were getting food past the Tetras, so I put a pinch of pellets in there. Thought maybe he was trying to digest a couple of those big, crunch pellets he gobbled up.

    They both seem to be doing fine now. They're bottom fins are nice and pink and they're bellies are yellow.

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