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Posts posted by Corbidorbidoodle

  1. I have a 30 gal community with this albino bushynose and he really likes this one spot under some rooty looking wood. He's always pushing the sand away to make his hiding spot. (See pics)

    Is this normal? I haven't seen it before, but I'm still kind of a novice..

    In one pic you can see him just resting in his hiding spot. In the next one you can see the blur of him blowing the sand around.

  2. I have a 30 gal community with this albino bushynose and he really likes this one spot under some rooty looking wood. He's always pushing the sand away to make his hiding spot. (See pics)

    Is this normal? I haven't seen it before, but I'm still kind of a novice..

    In one pic you can see him just resting in his hiding spot. In the next one you can see the blur of him blowing the sand around.



  3. I'm really in to finding a cheaper way to do things. I do most of my home and auto maintenance. I get most of my aquarium stuff second hand on CL or whatever.

    I'm really in to getting driftwood and rocks from the rivers near my house. I live in the Pacific Northwest, so rivers and wood are plentiful. I've got four tanks with hardware store substrate and all hardscape I've found near my house. I think they look decent, and they're free. The stuff you can buy at the shop is way cooler, and more interesting. But I just prefer to save the money when I can. I do try to be aware of what I'm picking up. I've read a bit and try to avoid certain kinds of rocks and wood. All the wood is hardwood, cept for a cool piece of cedar, that seems to be okay...

    Do any of you like to scape with self-sourced accoutrements? What're the best pieces you've found? Any mistakes?






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  4. So, I've got this 20 gal planted that's coming along nicely. I've got 9 cherry barb and some ghost shrimp. Probably gonna put a hand full of pygmy corys in there once the tiny crypt in the front is rooted better. But I'm trying to decide on a  centerpiece fish.

    I thought about a Blue Ram, but I really prefer easy fish and I don't want to have a special, warmer tank. I really like Dwarf Gouramies, but I've had some issues with mean gouramies. I've seen that the female Power Blue Gouramies are pretty chill.

    Maybe a nice, blue Betta? What would you guys suggest for something that'd be awesome in there.

    20 gal, Finnex Stingray 2, Nice HOB (can't remember brand), 7.5ph, 78deg,


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  5. Ya, know. I think my thing is that I'm a single father with 4 kids, full time, and if I'm just sitting, people tend to think I don't have enough to do. But if I'm busy with something, anything really, then I'm generally not asked to do something else...

    So it can be hard to just sit. Though I love to when I can.

    We've actually got a nice Samsung 65" TV with an Xbox Series X, and my 12 year old asked me if we could replace it with a big aquarium. I'mma call that a tiny victory.

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  6. Do you guys get figity when your tanks don't need anything? Like, I've been tweaking and adjusting and whatever, and everything's just how I like it right now.

    And I'm really enjoying watching the fish, but I keep waiting to go to the aquarium shop or find another tank on CL, or various other silly things.

    How many of you have trouble just enjoying the finished project and waiting patiently for the next water change or whatever?

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