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Everything posted by Katherine

  1. New one last night. One specific fish, which I haven't seen in a few days and I think is probably dead (but I couldn't find a body the other day either - not saying much with the snails) was out of the tank swimming around in the air and my mom was trying to help me. We needed to get it to eat, so of course we put out a tray of raw chicken breasts. It would come and nibble at them. Then we decided it needed a drink so my mom put out a dish of tap water. It went into the dish and I freaked out because she hadn't dechlorinated it and it's gills had turned bright red. So we quickly added a drop of dechlorinator and added tank water to the dish. That's all I remember.
  2. Mine are usually a mix of fish I actually have and angelfish, discus, and miniature sharks. And sometimes they start eating each other.
  3. Haha, yes. And every time I catch one 5 more escape, and when I turn around there's another tank that wasn't there before and those fish escape... And for some reason it's always in the house I lived in from ages 9-17.
  4. Well, we want a hillstream loach eventually, but are going to start with their schooling fish. Ember tetras and harlequin rasboras were two they liked. I don't remember what all else. I'm going to look through my other thread again and see what the suggestions were.
  5. I think it was a 25 minute drive home from the store. So that plus whatever time it took to checkout plus 20 minutes floating the bag for temp. So almost an hour?
  6. Should I move one of my fish over on a day when I can sit and watch it for a while? Then if there's an issue I can move it back to the 75 right away.
  7. It is still running fishless with the carbon in. I've been feeding it small amounts of fish food to keep the cycle going. I'm a little afraid to try fish in it again.
  8. I think that's what made it a tie. It's 2-1 without your vote.
  9. This one was super hard to choose. I went by which I would keep if it could only be one of them.
  10. Which heart? The blue one or the heart eyes?
  11. Do we know when the sale ends? I'm having trouble finding that info.
  12. This looks fun! When you post for voting, will you include a photo of each option?
  13. I have 2 running a 75, with a lid and it's definitely more than is necessary. My room gets to about 13 degrees F colder than the tank at night, and it's on an exterior wall.
  14. I do, but my water parameters are very different from OP and I'm not sure the CC actually helps anything in my tanks.
  15. It doesn't look like a ramshorn to me. I think I see an operculum. @Vod, can you tell if it has one?
  16. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea Does this look like Nibbles?
  17. I think I have some cartridge filters that have carbon in them. I can just stick one next to the sponge filter.
  18. @Colu Is there anything you'd suggest I do differently in the future? Should I start asking water parameters of the store before I buy fish?
  19. I'm not sure. I didn't think to test the PH from the bag they came home in, or ask at the store.
  20. I will add, now that I've done a 90%ish water change with the lobster removed, the bubbles coming from my air stone are larger. I had thought they were small before because of how I'd tightened it. It's one of those with the felt disks from ACO.
  21. I will add, now that I've done a 90%ish water change with the lobster removed, the bubbles coming from my air stone are larger. I had thought they were small before because of how I'd tightened it. It's one of those with the felt disks from ACO.
  22. Are you testing Nitrite and Nitrate as well? Why do you need it to get to 2ppm?
  23. I've copied and pasted this from my Kids' Tank journal to see if I can get some more eyes on it. Background that's not in this post: The kids and I set up a 10g tank on February 16th. The filter is an ACO sponge that's been in my main tank for about 4 months. A few days after setup we moved 2 mystery snails over from my tank to ensure the sponge could handle a light feeding. Ammonia and Nitrite had consistently been 0 for a week before adding 5 neon tetras early this afternoon. .................... Well, I have sad news. We lost all 5 of the neon tetras. Let me walk through what I think happened and see if you guys agree with my assessment and what I can do from here. We temperature acclimated by floating the bag in the tank for 20 minutes, then mixed tank water into their bag, roughly doubling the water volume over 15 minutes or so. Dumped the bag over a bucket into a net and released the fish into the tank Immediately on putting the fish in the tank they seemed fine. Swimming around, exploring. Maybe half an hour later I noticed them hanging out at the surface a little bit. Not obviously gasping, but it seemed a little strange. I tested the water then. Temp was 74.something Ammonia 0 Nitrates 10ppm Nitrite 0 GH over 300ppm KH 40ppm PH 6.4 No chlorine - my tap also tests as no chlorine, but with .5ppm ammonia, so I think that means they use chloramines instead At this point I did a 50% water change (as close to the same temp as possible, tap parameters match tank parameters besides having .5ppm ammonia) and removed the lobster decoration and smelled it (it smells funky wet, I did not notice this when setting up the tank). I think it likely the issue was chemicals coming off the lobster. We lost one of them just after the water change. I think this was from me putting the dechlorinator in the tank instead of in the bucket before adding the water. I remembered after this first fish passed (of course!) that I used to have issues doing it that way with danios of a similar size to these tetras. The others were continuing to spend time at the surface, still not all the time, and not obviously breathing heavily. At this point we had somewhere to be and I didn't have time to attempt anything else, and wasn't sure what else to attempt even if I did have time. The other 4 were all dead by the time I got back. I have moved the 2 mystery snails back to the 75g tank, and plan to do as close to a 100% water change as I can every day for a week or so before putting any livestock back in this tank. Is there anything else I should be doing? Is it probable that the lobster wasn't the cause? The pink plastic plant has no smell. I've used the barrel decoration before with no issues, the green thing is a hunk of colored glass, from the rock section of one of our LFS so I wouldn't think it would cause issues, but then again, the lobster was also from the same LFS.
  24. Well, I have sad news. We lost all 5 of the neon tetras. Let me walk through what I think happened and see if you guys agree with my assessment and what I can do from here. We temperature acclimated by floating the bag in the tank for 20 minutes, then mixed tank water into their bag, roughly doubling the water volume over 15 minutes or so. Dumped the bag over a bucket into a net and released the fish into the tank Immediately on putting the fish in the tank they seemed fine. Swimming around, exploring. Maybe half an hour later I noticed them hanging out at the surface a little bit. Not obviously gasping, but it seemed a little strange. I tested the water then. Temp was 74.something Ammonia 0 Nitrates 10ppm Nitrite 0 GH over 300ppm KH 40ppm PH 6.4 No chlorine - my tap also tests as no chlorine, but with .5ppm ammonia, so I think that means they use chloramines instead At this point I did a 50% water change (as close to the same temp as possible, tap parameters match tank parameters besides having .5ppm ammonia) and removed the lobster decoration and smelled it (it smells funky wet, I did not notice this when setting up the tank). I think it likely the issue was chemicals coming off the lobster. We lost one of them just after the water change. I think this was from me putting the dechlorinator in the tank instead of in the bucket before adding the water. I remembered after this first fish passed (of course!) that I used to have issues doing it that way with danios of a similar size to these tetras. The others were continuing to spend time at the surface, still not all the time, and not obviously breathing heavily. At this point we had somewhere to be and I didn't have time to attempt anything else, and wasn't sure what else to attempt even if I did have time. The other 4 were all dead by the time I got back. I have moved the 2 mystery snails back to the 75g tank, and plan to do as close to a 100% water change as I can every day for a week or so before putting any livestock back in this tank. Is there anything else I should be doing? Is it probable that the lobster wasn't the cause? The pink plastic plant has no smell. I've used the barrel decoration before with no issues, the green thing is a hunk of colored glass, from the rock section of one of our LFS so I wouldn't think it would cause issues, but then again, the lobster was also from the same LFS.
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