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  1. I love everyone's ideas. Thank you so much. I used to raise most of these fish for my local pet store. It was a chain store but they still paid me cashy money. I used to have the tanks stacked broadways like most display tanks. This time for space, they are stack deep to get more in a row. I never had swordtails before. I got them home and they just hid. I switched them to my garden tank where I grow out my stem plants. They do like to pick muck off the leaves so I think it will work out well.
  2. Thanks! My fish room is a tiny spare bedroom about 8' by 10'. I currently have everything on a heavy duty storage rack while I build my tank walls. The room is pretty bright but most of the tanks have some areas where the lights are blocked so there is a little darkness. I think with a little time they will come around. The Glowlight Danios don't stop moving. They school pretty tight. They look like a bait ball of sardines in the ocean. lol
  3. Awesome tips! I will give 'em a try. They are still new so it might just take a little while too,
  4. I am jealous what I see Cory and other fish channels and their fish are bouncing off the front of the glass when they see their owner. I have several tanks that are mostly species specific. White Clouds, Glowlight Danios, Celestial Pearl Danios, Platies and Swordtails. The White Clouds and CPD's are the least skiddish. The platies are the most skiddish and the swordtails mope and hide. These are mostly new, within the last couple weeks or so, I do have Java Fern on wood and Anubias on rock as well as a very little floating water sprite. Any tips to get them less nervous? would a dither fish work well? any suggestions? I do hope to breed them so hopefully nothing that will take away from that aspect,
  5. I like Hydrocotyle tripartita. it makes a really nice shrub that grows fast trims nicely. it also has some really nice shaped leaves. I drawf aquarium lily would be nice too!
  6. Make sure the HOB has a prefilter too. Otherwise, the fry could be sucked up. I also agree to feed more and more often. you might need to increase water changes but be careful not to suck up fry. Maybe add a snail or two to eat up any uneaten food.
  7. Hello Everyone! My name is Brad. I am just outside Chicago in the western suburbs and I am returning to the hobby after a little more than a year without fish. I like subtropical and tropical fish. I just recently got in some CPD's, Longfin White Clouds and Glowlight Danios. I have bred these fish in the past with pretty good success. I may get some Reticulated Hillstream Loaches once my tanks have run for a bit. If anyone has any experience with the Red Lizard Hillstream Loach Homaloptera parclitella or the saddled Lizard Loach Homaloptera orthogoniataI would love to hear from you. It is nice to be part of this group. I have been following Cory and his Channel from the very beginning. I will be posting pictures along the way!
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