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About Me

My name is Brad and I live in northeastern Illinois. I had fish when I was a child and got back into them on accident about 6 years ago. I took a one year break during 2021 but not I’m starting back up. I like subtropical species like danios and hillstream loaches but I’m also found of platies and swordtails. I have celestial pearl danios, glowlight danios and white clouds (both the gold and long fin). I’m trying to create long fin gold white clouds. I’ll also be raising red & blue neocaridina. I’m also working on propagating submersed aquarium  plants. I try to run my fish room as simple as possible. I use mostly sponge filters with a central air pump, shop lights and a space heater in the room. I place fish higher or lower based on their preferred temperature but I run the room cooler in the winter and warmer in the summer. During the summer I also do tubs and ponds outside but I’ve only done it for one season. 

I look forward to finding people in my area or that are also cooler water nuts like me. I don’t have a ton of experience but I’d love to help out the community any way I can. 

Brad D. 

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