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Native Keeper

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Posts posted by Native Keeper

  1. Hello everyone!

    I'm about to move to Indiana, and I want to take my goldfish with me. However, I'm not sure what container/bag I'll use, since some of my goldies are 6"+, so here's my question:

    What would yall use to move larger fish? any recommendation are appreciated, and links to products will be highly appreciated, thx!

  2. Hello everyone!

    I've recently found myself in an interesting situation.

    Currently, my grandfather has 6 Golden White Cloud Minnows in a 29g tank. I have noticed that some of them are fin nipping, which means that there isn't enough members to disperse aggression. However, the only place where I can buy GWCMMs (Petco) has seemingly stopped carrying them at the store. But I have a solution, but I want to check with yall just to be safe. 

    my local Petsmart frequently carries regular WCMMs. So I'm think I'll buy him some of those instead. Though I am slightly concerned that it may cause issues since they're different morphs, so here's my question:

    can you mix different colored WCMMs? Or will it cause issues?

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  3. Hi everyone!

    I was at my local Petco and I saw this fish at the store. There was no label for this fish there, and when I asked a couple of the employees, they told me that it came with their Ghost Shrimp shipment, with no indication of species.

    Does anyone know what it is?

    Sorry for bad quality btw, it was hard to get good pics of it.




  4. ok, so:

    1. nope, he looks fine.

    2. what type of shrimp do you have? most shrimps do better in groups.

    3. you shouldn't have 0 nitrates, how old is the tank he's in rn?

  5. Sure can! 

    Goldfish rarely ever show aggression towards each other, so keeping them together is not a big deal. The worst that could happen is that one occasionally chases the other around, but this doesn't last long and no harm comes out of it.

  6. On 12/4/2020 at 12:09 PM, Aubrey said:

    This is my only native, a banded sculpin. It is my culling solution. Yeah, it's not the most colorful or friendly fish, but it is the most interesting fish I have kept. It flashes colors and patterns in response to food or when frightened. The eyes are like nothing I've seen before, they'll be solid black until it catches a glimpse of movement and then they glow yellow. Also kind of looks like a frog. 


    what do you feed him? 

    is he aggressive at all?

    does he hide a lot in ur tank?

  7. Hi everyone!

    last year I had seen some Sculpins in a nearby creek, and I'm curious about their care.

    If you have any experience with the species, just dump any info you got through ur experience! thx in advance!

  8. Hi everyone!

    Just a quick question, do maculatus platies tolerate colder water like variatus do? I never see variatus for sale where I shop for fish so I'm wondering if I can just get maculatus and keep em in the same temp. Also asking for my grandpa. Thx in advance!

  9. I personally don't think that'd be a good idea, I never put fish in anything less than 5 gallons, so if you ask me, shrimps and snails would be the best option.

    Though these are my personal limits, so good luck with whatever you decide to do!

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  10. Hi everyone! 

    My grandfather has some open 29 gallons that he's looking to full with some coldwater fish. He wants some new species, so no goldfish or WCMMs. Any fish you can think of that could live in these tanks that are coldwater tolerant will be considered! Thx in advance!

  11. Hi everyone, it's been a while!

    I'm currently working on my 110-gallon goldfish tank, and I want to get a light for it. it's a stock tank, so it won't have a lid. I would like something that would concentrate the light on one side of the tank, so there is a darker side for new fish to hide in. Any ideas will be considered, thx in advance!

  12. Hi everyone, especially @Zenzo, since he was interested in this project of mine.

    I am a huge fan of Speculative Evolution. If you don't know what that is, Speculative Evolution is the science of predicting how a species will evolve in its environment, using other species who share similar environments as references. This can range from predicting how an isolated species of fish will evolve in its environment, to making up an entire evolutionary history for a planet. I stayed on the side of predicting the evolution of an isolated population, specifically I chose Betta splendens, since it was my first fish I ever kept.

    Here's the link. Let me know what you think!


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