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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. Really excited about those discus they are pretty cute. And congrats with spawn. What is pristine to us is not always what the fish want you obviously have your parameters are good you are getting the fish rewards.
  2. Let's escape this before we derail your thread completely. Language is great it lets us communicate without resorting to interpretive dance and mime.
  3. I hope the future brings you back to being able to enjoy this hobby again in someway, take care and we still want your knowledge and experience if you want to hang about and share. I am currently getting a lot from a 20l (5 US gal ) tank I have in my kitchen it has a female betta and an apisto that refuses to mature they come to play every time we put the kettle on and because its by the sink I can faff with it pretty easily and it doesn't need much. I understand that even this is to much when you're bedridden but might be option to think about for stronger times.
  4. I kept garras with goldfish and panda garras in the community highly recommend. I didn't have a particularly strong current and they did fine and lived years. They are larger than ottos but aren't a problem to feed as they rushed out for dried food along with everyone else. I had an internal filter with garras for awhile and they used to sit behind it and on it behind the flow so I think good water movement and oxygenation is probably the key.
  5. Come on people make the change. You'll like it once you try. You should really check out litres as well your tank maths gets so much easier.
  6. Maybe have a dig about the bar for old promo stuff that could be used as a themed hardscape. Personally I wouldn't buy them any fish maybe see if any fish that need rehoming come your way over the next few months.
  7. Well I started looking at tanks to move a krib that's got to grumpy to stay in the community tank then options came rolling in. So I haven't set my heart on any single plan.
  8. Typical ! Although I'd they ignore it you might get away with plants. Is the bar covering any of your expenses for this tank? I suspect not but if they were changing the scape to give the fish things to hide behind might be nice. All I know about silver dollars is that they can be skittish and dart when startled.
  9. Just a thought but I guess these fish have only been getting dried food over the years so maybe raiding the pub kitchen and giving them a treat. Might help perk them up a bit.
  10. Often said about my plans. There is wiggle room with the measurements though. Good point about the hight
  11. In the live stream from Germany on Facebook I think Chris Lukhaup talked about some tiny blue rasboras that he favours with his shrimp
  12. So I've found a space I can add fish to in my kitchen it's a spot about 2ft wide, so would you get one large or two small tanks. I can see merits to both . And has anyone used one of those corner aquariums there is one going cheap near me but I wonder if the shape is more hassle than it's worth.
  13. I definitely agree with a simplify to enjoy strategy But tell us what is getting you down in particular and what you actually have and let's see what we can suggest.
  14. Only if you happen to have it. I think it will balance soon.
  15. I use prime and as long as I don't test the same day as added then it doesn't give me any false readings. Although I think the false positive readings are more likely when chloramin is being treated which isn't used by my water authority. Sounds like right l enough things changed over a few days that could well upset the cycle. Small regular changes until everything settles again I am sure it won't take long.
  16. I test my water much more often now I have switched to test strips. I also believe there is much less room for human error (drop counting, shaking and such)in the process so the results will be more consistent. It's consistency you need to understand the changes in the water.
  17. I had some cory fry turn up in vase I was resting some moss balls in once. Test the water in your bucket and compare with the tank they probably aren't that wildly out. If pH and temp are similar I would accumulate the same as if I'd brought them home from a shop. Moving them to better water shouldn't shock them really to my mind. They might find food hard to find at first they have had easy pickings in that bucket.
  18. I can't see why you couldn't run a check valve I know they choke the output a little but that shouldn't be any more of an issue than adjusting the bubble rate at a valve anyway.
  19. Yep that's thing. Might see what happens when I try these I have plenty of spare airline tubing I can play with Interesting
  20. Maybe to help those little guys out that are in quarantine use some water from the main tank for that water changes as you mentioned it can scrub the tap ammonia. Get some lucky bamboo (easy to lift and keep on standby if you need to use plant unfriendly meds or salt) or other hungry plant to use the ammonia to.
  21. I have a fluval 306 and I don't normally turn it off when I feed but I have recently moved things around a bit and the flow has increased significantly (took over a metre of the pipework). And now I wonder what's best most of my fish are mid and bottom feeding and I rather they had chance to fill there tummies before I fill my canister. What does everyone else do?
  22. To be honest you have done far more than I would have done. If the battery hasn't leaked (looked fine in the pic) I would just have thrown away the thermometer.
  23. I believe the bacteria grows in line with the food source so if you remove or clean anything that houses it there is a drop in the amount of bacteria you have it will start growing more as soon as you remove some but obviously depending on amount removed how quickly that will be. The misnomer that it's all in the filter can trip people up it's everywhere. Mops must be great bacteria houses
  24. I think all fish have personalities and show learning so yes behaviours can vary wildly based on so many factors. It could be down to tank positions ages of fish and time with you in each set up. I suppose will affect them to. And if tank bred or wild caught which will vary depending on your location no doubt. But I have only kept fish in the country and only a very small area of that so my observations are limited. Maybe we should all get one type of fish and test theory .
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