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  1. She is very ready to pop, so I was reluctant to pull her out and end up losing the babies but I think I'm going to drop her in some quarantine tanks that i have going right now and see what ends up happening. If it is hole in the head that would be very strange. I forgot to include a side picture but it looks like the bulge is coming up from under her scales and it's almost like a bubble of white. ill try and post a side picture when i catch her out today and post it. Thanks for the reply though!!! will update after a week
  2. nitrate 50 nitrite 0 ammonia 0 GH 225 Kh 100 ph 7.2 temp 77 Does anyone have any idea what this is? Guppy is in a 75 community with a bunch of plecos. No one else is showing any kind of growth or flashing. Fish is acting normal, is eating fine, has flashed a few times but does seem relatively normal.
  3. I think it is! It’s a Rubbermaid for sure that I got at Home Depot, wasn’t cheap and was designed to be put on a door or a wall so there is actually no back to rack, so I just spanned duck tape so stuff wouldn’t fall through.
  4. @Patrick_G it’s so much worse than that, I have 8 10gal in storage currently so that when I move I can redo the rack for more Qt and grow out tanks. I got the linear piston pump a few months ago so I could stop buying HoBs and little air pumps… it’s bad. Thanks for the welcome!!
  5. Greetings Everyone!!! First time here and a first time fish keeper. I have been in the hobby since Christmas of 2020 when my SO's daughter got a betta. I started freaking out cause I didn't know how to take care of it and down the rabbit hole I went. 9 months later I have 13 active tanks and more tanks in storage for when I move to a house where I have more room. I got really lucky, my SO loves animals and thinks fish are "just adorable" so now I have way to many tanks. All of that is to say that Aquarium-Coop has directly contributed to my addiction and absolutely to my education. It was Cory's videos that helped me along and I owe so much to the Coop. So here are my tanks with stories... The betta was in a one gal cube and that was to small and I felt bad for the guy so I immediately got a 10, and then came the clean up crew, Albino Cory's. Today we now have successfully breed those albinos. Sadly, the first betta passed because cycling fish tanks is hard when you're first starting out. Next came the shrimp This guy was next. 5.5 desk tank that is still there. There are black rose shrimp and snails in here and over time different fish have gone in and out but the shrimp have stayed so this tank has been dubbed, Shrimp Castle and then it took off from there bought 2 75's after about 2 months in the hobby. Top tank was meant to be an oscar tank and it took 9 months to get there. The bottom tank is a community tank and has gone through so many interations that it looks different about every 3 months. Top tank runs a 407 and bottom tank runs Lee's premium UGF. Here's some close ups from the tanks I added a grow out cause the tanks had some aggressive fish thank needed a time out sometimes. Add what happened when I started diving deep into this... I had to quarantine...and i needed more room for a tank for that, so... I clean them out regularly but my PH kept crashing when they were bare bottom so i ended up just planting them. They are cycling right now waiting for the next fish. This is the rack CPD's breeding experiment is next to the QT This is also my Blue Dream grow out tank. above them is my first horrible attempts at aquascaping and what will be my guppy tanks. I have out door tubs that im getting ready to bring in and all those fish are going in those tanks. And the side is my shame. I'm a food horder Finally, I have a 20H sorority and a 6 gal Cube for a pea puffer. Thanks everything, Thanks for reading.
  6. Hey Everyone, This is my first post and of course its cause somethings wrong. I've had these pandas for over 6 months and they used to be in a larger tank with Tiger barbs and a large pleco and a really angry adult Chinese algae eater. I pulled them out and put them in a 20H Sorority. They have been doing great and were happy and playing. Most of them still are but this one seems to be off by himself and I saw his back and I'm worried. They lost there barbuls when they were in the other tank and they havent grown back yet. Water Parameters: pH 6.8 Nitrates 50 Hardness 300 Nitrite 0 Ammonia 0 KH/Buffer 0 Water Temperature 77 TDS 460 (not that it matters) Does anyone have any idea what I'm looking at?
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