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Posts posted by Cherie

  1. Ok, my P. luminatus laid a single egg (which fungued) and now nothing. I have 3 males, 1 female, and 1 smaller fish that looks female but acts male (flaring, but fins are shorter, seems to be coloring up as s/he grows). I got them in February 2021 and they’ve grown quite a bit since then. 

    They are in 10 gallons of water with a coop large sponge filter and a tiny tetra pump. They have two mops and guppy grass. Bottom is mulm and a bit of sand (moved most sand to the new 20g).

    A0, Ni 0, Na 10, gh6, kh 3, pH 7.4, T 76.6 (heater)

    Feeding live (mosquito larvae and bloodworm) daily. Feeding CoOp jar BBS and repashy powder as well. They are eating like pigs, flaring, and swimming through the mops constantly. I pull at least three times a day to check for eggs. 

    I’d like your thoughts. 

    I’m wondering:

    1. Too many males? Two of them are more red than orange so was thinking leave those two with the known female and take the other two out  

    2. Too warm? I got the egg when I didn’t have a heater so temps dropping at night  

    3. Too young? They’re at least 4 mo old and were small when I got them  I’ve read females usually breed once at 1 year old (if this then why the egg??)  

    4. Are they just eating the eggs constantly? I’m trying to keep them full  

    I know I should be patient - but I’m bad at that. 

    Thanks for your help. 




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  2. Hi! I’m Cherie. I’ve been in the hobby since I was 10. I have a raging case of MTS and can already see I want more. 

    I have a 50g with Rainbows, Red Phantom Tetras, nerites, and Roseline sharks 

    My 20 long has a female betta, lamb chop rasboras, a nerite, and panda corys

    My 20 tall is a new setup with bamboo and cherry shrimp, nerite and rabbit snails and soon will have P. luminatus 

    My 12g Fluval Edge is where the lumis are getting busy

    My 6 gallon Fluval Edge has a few blue shrimp and I’m looking to revamp it. 

    Planning to breed the lumis and then my Red Phantom Tetras. Looking to add a BN to the 20 tall. 

    I’m so excited to join the forum. I’ve learned a ton from Cory 😁






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  3. I’ve set up a new 20 gallon high for my shrimp, snails, and P. luminatus. The lumis stayed in their 12g while everyone else moved over. I put in mops and guppy grass and upped my feeding. 

    Today I was rewarded with my first egg! I’m so excited 😃

    Of course the least colorful male is the only one who would pose for pictures!






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