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Marnol D

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Posts posted by Marnol D

  1. I have the Seachem Glass checker to monitor my CO2 levels within my tank. For some reason my guppies keep swimming into it, making it into the bulb/ball and getting stuck(4th time now but managed to save this one before it was to late). Would adding a screen or mesh screen to the opening mess with the accuracy of the checker? Or does anyone have another checker they use that they enjoy? I really like the look and ease of the seachem checker because its completely glass (the suction cup could be smaller and less noticeable), but give me recommendations for some other drop checkers y'all enjoy!

    Or is there a pamphlet to give to my guppies to teach them about the harm of swimming into the drop checker?

  2. What is everyone's go to Phosphate remover/absorbers and where do you place it within your tank/filter?

    I am having troubles with high phosphate (and due to this bba I suspect )* and before I go out and purchase  phosphate removers I am asking for everyone's favorite way to remove phosphates. I have a lightly planted tank (any plant suggestions would be wonderful) and it seems none of the plants are to demanding for phosphate (or as im thinking I just have excess not being used). I have already tried changing my lighting cycle and adding CO2 and water movement (which took care of the staghorn) so now I am on to lowering my phosphates. 

    *no other algae grows besides BBA now and plants are growing fine.


    Any suggestions would be helpful. I have started to user easy green once a week (thinking I was lacking other nutrients to help the plants absorb the phosphates) and have started feeding more frozen foods in hopes that this will help decrease phosphates.


    I have a HOB so I can add the phosphate remover/absorber in it ,but if anyone has an idea how to add it to a sponge filter that would be wonderful aswell. Currently all that is in my filter is a sponge and ceramic pellets. 

    Live Plants:

    Moneywort, Red Flame Sword(one mature plant and two mini's that grew from it), Crypticoryne wendetti, Pink Flamingo Crypts, amazon sword, recently added java fern from one of my other tanks and a tiny (5 leaf) pothos plant hanging out the top thats slowly growing new roots. I have a fluval 3.0 on 45 gallon tank with normal gravel as the substrate.


    Ammonia: 0


    Nitrates: 50 (doesnt fluctuate much when easy green added)

    PH: 7.2

    GH:very hard looks to be 300 on the test strips even though out of my tap its less than the 150 range

    kh: 40~

    Chlorine: 0


    Thank you,

  3. any plants that you attach to hardscape (anubia's and java ferns) hornwort floats around the tank so you could always attach it in the upper corners of the tank. Java moss or any moss attached to mesh will work). 


    You could always go with deep substrate and plant the plants in the rockwool pot (i do this with my crypts so i can remove the main plant once they start running, also helpful because you can shove root tabs into the rockwool.

  4. I have a 20 gallon tank breeding my cherry shrimp.
    Usually to get them to take to the water ill drip acclimate until the bucket im using is almost full then ill add them to the tank. The glass in my tank is covered in green algae and the shrimp seem to enjoy clinging to it eating the algae up. (this is also when they started breeding more is when I left the algae and tank to do its on thing besides water changes) I also have a decent amount of mulm caught up in my java moss bundle that they hide in and feed off of and this is where all the babies chill until they reach about 1-2 CMs in length. 

    Im also breeding them in a tank with pea puffers and the colony is growing so they are out breeding the hunger of the peas. 

    I guess I went with the dirty tank method but I do plan on cleaning the glass up (or setting up another tank as a show tank) once I get an overstock on the cherries.

    I guess the cherries preferred being able to graze on the algae and pick through the java moss mulm and this got them finally go crazy with the breeding. 



    • Thanks 1
  5. On 9/21/2021 at 10:06 PM, Phantom240 said:

    Yeahhhhhh I absolutely overdid it on root tabs when I set the aquarium up a couple weeks ago. Plenty of nutrition + CO2 + Good light = runaway sword lol

    I usually only pop a root tab or 4  right when I plant a new plant. After it gets established I usually turn away from the root tabs to slow growth. if i notice the plant looks weak ill start readding but i dont really gravel vacuum my planted tanks so the mulm mixes with the rock/gravel and seems to keep the plants growing and healthy (it just keeps their growth reasonable) and that reminds me i need to go refill my 20lb co2 tank.

  6. What water temperature are you running? Along with do you have hard water or soft water? 

    You water may be missing some basic minerals; I see you have used some seachem products have you tried equilibrium

    Also what light are you using for what tank? You may be using to much light intensity so your plants are "burning".

    Have your tanks been able to grow algae and if so do you know what type?

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  7. All my tanks have at least one sponge filter in them (some have more just so I always have a cycled sponge if someone needs one and usually a hang on back for better water circulation and to add polishing pads to). But I usually run an air ring or air bar in them as well. I tend to make mini volcanos (out of lava rocks) around the bubble rings for the aesthetic and shrimp seem to love to feed off the stuff that grows on them. 

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  8. I have had a constant battle with nitrates in my 45 gallon. Sitting roughly over 80 ppm nitrates. I have graveled vacced everything (substrate is about 4 inches deep) ive cleaned the sponges in the filter along with the large aquarium coop sponge and i still am testing high nitrates. I have performed multiple 30% water changes.


    Stocking is 6 golden rams and a bristle nose. 

    Could rotting plants be the issue? I have had a stem plants that keeps sending out roots but is mushy and doesnt grow. could this be the issue?

  9. you can spot treat with peroxide or dose excel or co-ops easy crabon once a day or once every two days and it will start to kill it off. I would also suggest adding a phosphate absorber to stop it from coming back.  I wouldnt tear a tank down for either. Right now im dealing with Black Spot algae which i thought was bba but technically isnt and its proving to be a bit more troublesome. 

  10. Just now, Cory said:

    That seems to be a fine PSI. Not sure if it was clogging or a glue failure. Did you notice any decrease in output leading up to it?

    Nope was running fine yesterday and this morning. Heard a thud and thought my fish hit the lid but went to check and the diffuser had blown its top. 



  11. So my neo diffuser just blew its top.... literally the disc just rocketed and hit the top of my tank. I have had the diffuser for 6 months and it had worked fine. Did I miss some maintenance on it I wasn’t aware of? It had some algae on the disc but wasn’t covered. 

    does anyone have any recommendations for a new diffuser? Or should I just buy a new neo one.  

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