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Posts posted by Aubrey

  1. 13 minutes ago, quirkylemon103 said:

    does anyone have tips on making memes?

    Ope...  I just saw you posted in there recently. Here are some tips:

     - just keep making them. If it's funny to you then it will probably be funny to others.

    - "Bad" memes are funnier sometimes, so just keep at it.

    - If you're not inspired then don't force it.

    - Outlined or drop shadow text looks way better/is easier to read over images imo.

    • Like 4
  2. 27 minutes ago, Brandy said:

    This, 1000x this--how cool would recognizing each other in real life be?! Several price points, like buttons, hats, tshirts, hoodies, but you only get the sales link if you are a member. "Official Nerm Wear"!! Lol.

    Slightly off topic of membership perks. If possible when you get the online club going maybe you could do patches or pins that progress through the letters of NERM, so when you complete four stages you have earned your nerm Status. I'm not sure what the levels would be though. Maybe "N" and "E" would be beginner plants and fish and "R" and "M" could be advanced?


    Or Newbie, Expert or another "E" word, I can't think of an "R" word, then Master.

    • Like 2
  3. Tier 1

    1.99 - Access to live chat. No members only videos or advanced notifications on merchandise. I feel like members only livestreams should be the norm, but maybe have a monthly stream for everyone still.

    Tier 2

    4.99 - Stays at the current membership level of perks. This should be the price level that gets you everything.

    Tier 3

    9.99 - I like the idea of member exclusive merch. This level gives you a discount on it, but the 4.99 level still has access to it because they are members also. 

    Tier 4

    100.00 - Name listed at the end of videos as valued contributor. Vanity Nerm Status.

    Keep it simple and fair. I don't know how any of this works on your end, so maybe you could show us how YouTube membership perks work with complete transparency.

    Another point on value. You can't answer every question in live streams and not everyone will be able to purchase limited quantity merchandise, so maybe have a point value attached to the tiers for voting on what comes next to the channel and store.  Tier 1 get a half point. Tier 2 gets 1 point. Tier 3 gets 2 points. Tier 4 gets a lot, like 200 or something to keep it balanced because I'm sure there won't be many at that level.

  4. Once I was camping when some species of cicada was emerging from the ground in swarms. I had never witnessed this before and was unaware of it. I had had a few drinks, it was dusk, and I thought I was losing my mind because the ground was crawling around my campsite. It was the only time I have experienced cicada fear, but I didn't know they were cicadas.

    Did anyone else catch them as a child and tie thread to one of their legs and then to your wrist so you could have a pet cicada on a leash?

    • Haha 2
  5. I was at a Bass Pro last week and every time I have visited I have been enamored with the small stream they have running through the camping section. Of course they have other aquarium exhibits throughout the store and even a whole aquarium attraction, The Wonders of Wildlife, connected to the store, but I think this is my favorite. Or at the very least it's on the list of things I would do if I won the lottery.


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  6.  if I saw those pictures without any information I would have said those were nerite eggs. You said they are mites and not worms? So do they have legs? It's kind of hard to see in the pictures. I almost want to say spring tails, but I'm not sure if they go underwater. Do you have wood in the tank and where did it come from? They could be larval or nymph stages of other insects like water beetles. Do they just cling to the glass or do they swim freely? Whatever they are, they are interesting and you have quite a few of them. I'll be looking forward to any more information or insights that could help solve your mystery.

  7. 1 hour ago, TheDukeAnumber1 said:

    @Hobbit @Aubrey

    I suppose we should decide if we want to try the task of going live with a zoom call, or to do an 'on your honor' thread with photos.

    I think I favor the thread idea unless someone else feels strongly enough to host a live call.

    Considering time zones and people's personal schedules I feel like a thread would be the better easier approach also. It would be pretty simple to film yourself with a 10 min timer. You could even edit out any embarrassing face stuffing moments but have an unedited backup of your numbers and time if it was in question.

    So rules would be something like:

    - submit documentation of yourself consuming as many tacos as you can in a 10 minute period.

    - tacos must be crunchy/hard shell and of a comparable size and weight to average fast food tacos

    - documentation may be edited but an original unedited version may be required if your final numbers are disputed - failure to provide an unedited version upon request will result in disqualification

    If there is anything that requires more clarification feel free to ask or point it out.

    -Fun Fact-

    Competitive eater Joey Chestnut broke the world record for most eaten tacos back in 2017 when he ate 126 tacos in 8 minutes. That's over 15 tacos a minute!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 4
  8. On 4/5/2021 at 8:01 AM, TheDukeAnumber1 said:

    In the afternoon we have a remote-live taco eating contest, most tacos eaten in 10min, winner gets bragging rights

    What would be the standard of taco for this? Of course crunchy hard shelled tacos, but of what size and with what ingredients? Would it be fair to assume most people would have access to a Taco Bell or perhaps an off the shelf taco kit to be prepared at home? I also kind of think there could be sub categories for bragging rights as well like first to 6 tacos eaten, you know, for people that don't want to eat an absurd amount of tacos.

    • Like 1
  9. Why do they feel better? There are a lot of reasons why.

    I think since it's not your real job then there is less at stake. I think that it also gives the peace of mind that maybe you could leave that real job if you wanted to. 

    I think our hobbies are our daydream getaways while we are at our real jobs and every time we complete a hobby job we need a new hobby job to getaway to. They feel good because they always give us something different from our real jobs to look forward to and you accomplish them because you want to not because you were told to. 

    Making things with your hands is physical, tangible proof of your work and skill. Its evidence of something that occurred in your mind and appeared through your actions. You did that. That kind of accomplishment is hard to beat.

    I think it's fair to say that we define ourselves through our hobbies and if others see value in our hobbies and the things we produce then we might see value in ourselves.

    • Like 4
  10. 1 hour ago, Kirsten said:

    How sad is that? Wish we could work with Fish & Wildlife to conserve wild populations while breeding for aquarium life.

    I believe you can work with fish and wildlife to do research, but it requires permits. I don't think they will allow breeding for aquaria though, if they don't already. This passage is about preserving specimens, but I'm sure they are also the people that you would contact and work with for other research projects.


    I know there are certain species in my state that are allowed as wildlife pets, but there are rules for that. I also know that you need permits to breed native wildlife and to sell it.


    All the laws make sense. Not just anyone and everyone should be able to tamper with local ecosystems without any consequence. Also permit and license fees help fund conservation. At least in my state keeping is pretty much ok, but the buying and selling gets tricky.

    Like with getting any new fish, do your research. With natives it involves more than tank size and parameters and more of going through legal codes and possibly applying for permits.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  11. A "Thank You" video thread? Where members can post a video showing appreciation and respect to the other members that have helped them or just made their experience on the forum a good one. Reactions and text replies are great, but hearing it from the person behind the screen would be pretty neat. It would really show off the soul of the forum - the people that make it up and their respect for eachother.

    Also a yes to tacos, highlights, superlatives, games, and any other festivities.

    And thanks @Streetwisefor bringing this up now so there is plenty of time to get something figured out.

    • Like 6
  12. - Goliad Farms Tour

    Because I enjoy seeing how you interpret other people's fish rooms and set ups. The questions you ask people that you look up to in someway are enlightening. This is my favorite of the Fish room/farm/store tour videos.

    - China Aquarium FishMarket

    Because I enjoy seeing how the hobby is practiced and accepted internationally. This is my favorite travel video.

    - The Peru Series

    I don't have a favorite, but I enjoy seeing fish in the wild and collecting trips.

    - RFT

    As informative as you are on your own, I think you are more so when you have someone to bounce topics off of. #bringbackrft

    The Daily Dose

    I know that you probably can't do daily videos, but the random knowledge that you dropped from just doing the daily things in your fishroom was priceless.

    Overall these are still the kind of videos you are making, so keep up the good work. I know you will be killing it when travel opens up again.

    Honorable mentions:

    Weekly livestream - a classic staple of the channel. I didn't put it on the list of 5 because it is a given.

    How My Fish Room Changed Throughout The Years - I really like the voice over and and editing in this short. I'm sure the nostalgia factor plays into it some too. It is a very professional clip and something you haven't done much of. Go back and revisit some of your older work with a new current perspective and reintroduce some of your older videos to your newer audience while refreshing it for the older audience.

    • Like 1
  13. I still have some adult brine shrimp living in a jar. I consider it my "Could I do Salt Water?" experiment. I feed them a light dusting of sera micron every other day and top off evaporation with tap water. I've only done one partial water change with the hatching ratio of salt to water volume. I haven't done much research on what salinity is best or anything on how to determine salinity. It's also not something I'm super strict about since I hatch baby brine shrimp every week and have plenty of chances to do it over if it goes wrong.

    I guess they're happy because I've witnessed some breeding behavior. Sorry that its blurry/out of focus but I caught some clasping.


    • Like 3
  14. I've had this idea for a while now and I decided to give it a test. I tried compacting the Easy Fry Food into a tablet to be fed like an o-nip tab. I'm sure that I don't have the right tools to pull this off or there is a specific process to make it work, but I poured some of the powdered food into a tap and die and pressed it with a bench top arbor press. Here are the results.


    I feel like there is some promise to this and that it could work. I don't plan on ever feeding the ones I make to my fish since I have no idea of the all the chemicals that my tools are exposed to. 

    • Like 6
  15. They look kind of similar to assassin snails. The striped ones for sure. I had some of mine start showing up all beige after a few years. Not sure if it is due to a deficiency or if it is a color morph.

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