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Mr Gumby

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Posts posted by Mr Gumby

  1. On 12/10/2021 at 10:59 AM, Guppysnail said:

    If you go with nana petite position it so the flat surface of the leaves are facing away from the light forward or sideways. It will eventually reorient itself but by then it should be growing strong enough to avoid major algae issues. That’s what I do with all my anubias. It works well. 

    So attach the rhyzome under the branch??

  2. On 12/10/2021 at 9:15 AM, Flumpweesel said:

    I use a heater it is only set at 22C.  I probably don't need it however if I am out or I go away my heating stays off so it protects them against my miserly nature.  At the moment I do notice the heater is on at 7 when I get up but the household heating is off at night. 

    I only bought the heater to help deal with an outbreak of ICK with my goldfish as it takes far to long to eradicate at low temps.  I'd probably only consider running without if this one breaks.  

    My long term goal is to just run two sponge filters so step 1 was to see temperature with no heater. Step 2 is to see temperature with no canister running.

    I run a biomaster thermo as I prefer not to have a heater in the tank for aesthetics

  3. Need a few options for leaves on my treeIMG_20211210_084411111_HDR.jpg.bc8a85a4db3f56613cfe6431357df8b6.jpg

    Ignore the hornwort it's just there temporarily.

    I'm thinking a Anubius nana petite type of plant or maybe a small buce species but it will be very close to the light and algae could be an issue.

    I had Java moss which looked great but shaded too much unless I constantly trimmed it and that gets messy and I'm lazy. Waiting for my wall of rotala to grow in at the back 😁





  4. On 12/10/2021 at 8:17 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    I don't run heaters in any of my tanks. Today they tested between 76.5 and 78.5 (5 tanks, Fahrenheit of course). They never run below 74 and if they did I'd probably run a heater to come on around then. This has never been an issue for me. I keep heaters on standby for fishy first aid, that's about it. 

    Exactly, however I will add with some jealousy you guys in the US are at an advantage with weather in some areas and large tanks in general appear to be massively cheaper than in Europe.

    I hate hearing about dollar a gallon sales grrrr!!!!

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  5. Just posted this to a UK forum I'm on so apologies in advance to you guys from the US for Celsius and litres and yes I did get the idea from one of @Cory live streams so I doth my cap to you sir.

    Hi all, just wanted to share this with you as it might help.
    I'm currently running a little experiment on my 230 where I basically turned my heater off 2 days ago to see if I actually need it at all.
    So far the minimum temperature I've seen is 23.5 degrees, max 24.8.
    Full disclosure, I am working from home still so if something looks iffy I can turn it back on in a timely manner.
    Room stat is set to 20 and heating on from 6am to 10am then 4pm to 11pm.

    Obviously some of you keep fish that need higher temperatures but a lot of community fish are perfectly happy at 22 and are fine as low as 20.

    Essentially what I'm saying is do your research and don't panic when your heater dies.

    Also I will add smaller water volumes will lose temperature faster so maybe don't do this on your smaller tanks

    Hope that helps some people

  6. If it's heavily planted you could well have quite a few bumbling about in the weeds, there ability to cover the entire tank is one of the things I love about these fish.

    do have a big soft spot for them, currently have about 70 adults and juveniles in my display tank. Recently added ten emerald dwarf Rasbora to the tank which are very similar fish and managed to get 5 fry from them while in quarantine 😂

    I'm going to need to setup a nano fish store soon lol

    • Like 2
  7. On 12/1/2021 at 3:55 PM, Josh333 said:

    What I understood that females have a black dot by the anal fin. The top picture with the ones that came out clear where the ones chasing each other and started sparing

    Yes they do have a black dot by the anal fin.

    As they mature the males get more colour and the fins are much more elaborate.

    Not sure why females would spar unless maybe you have many more females than males but I'm guessing

    • Like 2
  8. Is there any better feeling than when you check your qt tank a week after you've moved your new fish to the display tank and find babies 😁

    I would post a picture but if you've ever seen newly hatched emerald dwarfs you know my phone isn't getting good shots of these wrigglers 😂

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  9. On 11/28/2021 at 7:11 PM, Odd Duck said:

    As much as I love crypts, I think those are good choices. The AR ‘Mini’ can be challenging since it really likes quite a bit more light than Crypts and Sag.  Your Sag should do well

    The AR may be more challenging.  I’ve not had any do particularly well, but in general, I don’t seem to be as good with stem plants where I can grow most other types fairly easily.

    Keep us posted. We all like to watch other people’s progress!

    Luckily I managed to pick up an early Christmas present in the shape of a fluval 3.0 😁

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  10. Ok so after all your helpful comments I went off to my LFS for crypt parva and returned with.....alternanthera reineckii mini and Sagittaria subulata tissue cultures lol.

    All the same I'm pleased with how it's planted up. Ignore the stringy rotala at the back, I need to trim and get it nice and bushy.




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  11. On 11/22/2021 at 4:35 PM, Brandon p said:

    Pond are good here but you can’t have many species because water temps in 2’ deep pong can get to 90. The Gulf of Mexico gets into the mid 80’s. I think you are right mane a visit to see “real” 🌳 

    I think you might change your mind when it's cold and damp but you're right it is nice to look at

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  12. On 11/22/2021 at 3:28 PM, Brandon p said:

    I miss real trees. Do you know how hard it is to put Christmas lights up on palm trees

    Lol...at least if you have palm trees I'm guessing you have more luck than me with outdoor ponds which is worth the lack of trees in my book 😁

  13. Never kept gourami's so can't comment on aggression but as already said adding more chilli's won't have much of an affect on water parameters.

    I will add that other than adding some KH buffer it sounds to me like your water is spot on for breeding more chilli's rather than buying more. I'd avoid removing them from the tank incase the gourami gets used to them not being there. Break out the spawning mops!!!

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  14. On 11/16/2021 at 4:04 PM, Gator said:

    @Mr Gumby; When I changed my tanks from tap water to RO/DI water, I changed 25% of the water so that now after many years, all of my tanks are 100% RO/DI and my fish and I couldn't be happier. Of course I added peat moss to my filter to make my water a little more acidic for my blackwater fish (That's all I have), and they still love it.

    @Gator in that initial change over were you remineralising from the start or as I'm planning let it fall to where you want it then add minerals?

    • Thanks 1
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