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Mr Gumby

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Posts posted by Mr Gumby

  1. Hi folks,

    I picked up a couple of sprigs of hornwort at the weekend. It's mainly for my fry tank as it gets fed pretty heavily as you can imagine and I wanted to extend the water changes intervals. Plus places for fry to hide.

    I had enough to throw some in my display tank and now I'm wondering if I loosely tie it to one of the ceramic plant rings with clear fishing line so it's growing upwards will there be enough light at the bottom?

    I've got a good carpet of cryptocryne and could easily hide the ceramic ring amongst them


  2. On 11/9/2021 at 4:16 AM, Fish Folk said:

    Consider using rain water or ground water from a sump. Check the parameters first to ensure there's nothing else contaminating the water. This is how to breed soft water tetras, rasboras, etc. Soft water, live foods, appropriately planted tanks, and careful attention to light schedule are all keys to getting them to spawn.


    I might try it in one of my 5 gallons as collecting the rain water will be easier for that volume

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  3. On 11/9/2021 at 2:19 AM, Zenzo said:

    I don't think that it would work well enough to see any measurable results, especially for the effort of trying to get air to push through a diffuser. You would have to have enough compressed air in a tank to push air through the diffuser, and even then, the co2 levels are probably not worth the effort. 

    That might explain why nobody does it 😁

    I was thinking more of simply running the diffuser off a standard air pump as most of us have air running into our aquariums anyway but it was just a thought.

    Maybe I'll run the experiment when I retire and have the time to tinker lol

    • Like 1
  4. Asking out of curiosity as I don't use Co2 in any of my tanks.
    The air in our houses has much higher Co2 levels than our aquariums so...... would slowly pushing air through a diffuser raise tank Co2 a bit?

    I'm too lazy to experiment myself but has anyone else tried it?

  5. Question for all you European nerms.

    New fish arrived yesterday and are currently in quarantine

    I'm looking at Esha exit, 2000 and gdex as an alternative to the co-op med trio.

    Manufacturer says can be used together and are shrimp safe but has anyone actually used them together?

  6. Hi folks, picked up 10 chilli's yesterday and they're currently sitting in quarantine with some emerald dwarfs from the same store

    I would like to breed them eventually as they're a bit spendy here in the UK.

    My water is hard with a pH of around 7.3 and I'm wondering if the PH is too high for them to breed or can I just bring the hardness down over time with plants?

    Or has anyone got them to spawn in hard water??

    TIA fishy friends

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  7. On 11/3/2021 at 11:41 PM, Ken Burke said:

    It’s really hard to see in the picture, but is it the white spot down near the pectoral fin?  A better picture would help….

    Hi, yes that's the one. Sorry about the bad picture he certainly hasn't slowed down because of it.


  8. IMG_20211103_184702836.jpg.5e262f25c412defa65d74d1e6ded511f.jpgHi folks, just double checking 

    One of my juvenile Cory has developed a good size lump. 

    I generally leave well alone unless it's causing distress but this has developed quite quickly.

    Everyone else is fit and healthy and no new stock for months.


  9. On 10/24/2021 at 3:19 AM, Doc Gonic said:

    Have any Celestial Pearl Danio or pea Puffers? those are 2 small fish i've been thinking about for my next tank.

    I have some CPD in my fry tank but they pretty much ignore the hides I have in there

  10. On 10/23/2021 at 11:57 PM, Doc Gonic said:

    A baby catfish/pleco would like that too!

    I guess it would work for lots of fish

    I'm strictly a nano guy so I tend not to consider anything else. Anything 2 inch and over are monster fish to me lol

  11. Thanks all for your responses,

    I do have plants but they're still growing in after a recent re-scape.

    I also have quite a few Amano and cherry shrimp so after reading it can be detrimental to them I think I'll avoid the risk.

    Helpful advice is what forums like this are for 👍

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  12. On 10/1/2021 at 11:27 AM, Atitagain said:

    This is just my opinion but I don’t worry until it’s 50ppm but I generally change water at 30-35ppm. Try to keep levels at 10-20ppm. That’s in my non planted tanks, and I’ve even incorporated plants into those recently 7278DA99-8819-45B0-9352-FE9B24CC2CB9.jpeg.c5cc9d72f41f892bb79098442b33b91b.jpegA513EBE2-B5FE-47D4-8CAE-07DD2F1FB044.jpeg.e8409ed089633aeb3e90bccf51602065.jpeg

    do you have any plants? They will help a lot with nitrate control. Having “ lots of algae eaters” could be detrimental long term (if your talking about plecos and snails) both are high waste producers. Most times better off doing your own algae cleaning. 
    over long term without plants it will become harder to keep levels down here’s a great video to explain a lot better than I ever could.

    Hope this helps

    When I say lots of algae eaters it's shrimp and Otto's with a couple of nerites that I move around my tanks as required.

    I do have plants but recently did a rescape and I'm waiting for them to grow in a bit more.

    TBH I'm happy with my schedule just curious how others manage their tanks.

    I do think a lot of people get stressed and leave the hobby trying to maintain 5ppm or less you see on the internet

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  13. Hi all, just wondered what the general feeling was on nitrate levels.

    I'm getting 20ppm from the tap and go with weekly water changes which gives me a high in the tank of roughly 35ppm

    Other than having to keep lots of algae eaters everyone seems happy but according to the internet I'm a horrible fish keeper 👹

    I'm curious to see what other people's schedules are

  14. On 9/26/2021 at 12:32 AM, William Lynch said:

    Have you found that certain species of corydoras are easier than others?

    So far I've spawned bronze, albino and black the same way. Just make sure food is plentiful and maybe some chunky gravel so the tiny fry can hide

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  15. If you're looking for easy breeders other than live bearers I'd go for corydoras in a species only tank.

    I find that they generally leave the eggs alone as long as you provide plenty of food and the fry can usually avoid getting eaten.


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  16. On 9/23/2021 at 8:50 AM, Keeg said:

    Never hear of keeping nettle as a floating plant, but I wouldn't touch the stuff to begin with. My best guess would the fuzz like needles could cause harm. Ive seen people boil them for shrimps but never live. Pretty cool plant to see alive in water. 

    I usually let them sit for a few days before adding to the tank and the Shrimp love them. Guess I was a bit hasty adding them to the tank 

  17. Hi folks,

    Quick question, I set up a 5 gallon for CPD fry and popped half a dozen cherry shrimp in to help with clean up.

    As usual I dropped a bit of nettle in for the shrimp and low and behold I'm seeing new growth.

    So just wondered what people's opinions are on whether the new leaves would sting the fry?

    Any thoughts IMG_20210923_074600255_HDR.jpg.8cbbef3a1eee6744beeb46298da9ce07.jpg

    Obviously my aquascaping game is on point so no need to praise me for that 😀


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  18. On 9/9/2021 at 6:07 PM, Zenzo said:

    @Mr Gumby Regarding my other comment, please note that I have never used Fenbendazole for my fish (only my dogs), so I am not giving advice. This is just what I found online that may help you (or add further confusion). 

    Thanks Zenzo, appreciate the advice.

    Hope to see you over in the UK soon

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