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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. You too. Hope it all turns out right no matter what treatment route you go.
  2. Yeah that's kind of my, I have no idea what's going on bomb. It's not a go to and I've not used it yet (plus not invert safe per the manufacturer).
  3. I'm with you I usually don't use meds unless necessary- but in this case I may make an exception just going on what you've discussed with me tonight!
  4. I just switched to Ich-X cause everyone here seems to like it. I've successfully treated Ich with both API Super Ick and Paraguard. So just pick one. Go with paracleanse, I think it's stronger than Paraguard I only got it because I was treating Otos and I was worried for them. Expel P is a dewormer (for your wild caught fish or other ? bugs) General cure has some ingredients that others don't metronidazole, praziquantel, and treats parasites, velvet, hole in the head
  5. This is sadly your call my friend. These bacteria/fungus/parasites hang out in our tanks all the time they could all end up being fine. When one fish is stress/injured or compromised it can start a domino effect. Just like my last little outbreak it only effected some and not others. I medicated because it was there and the potential was real. What I can say is you can keep the 10 going with the new fish if they're not showing signs and do the med trio in there as it's snail and invert safe (so put the snails there).
  6. Yea those thingys I usually just use Seachem Stability (which I have) but I thought I'd try these little balls out. Well. If you're asking if taking a sponge filter out of an infected tank and putting it into another would make the other tank sick I'd say there's a good chance.
  7. You may not be able to find Furan2 anywhere. I read on the forum that it was discontinued or no longer available due to some FDA snafu. Here is the thread, someone suggested a replacement: What is going on!?” HOWEVER: The active ingredient in Furan IS Nitrofurazone....Hikari, a trusted brand makes BiFuran which contains that active ingredient and may be a good alternative. The other med mentioned in the thread says they could find it at walmart. In my fishy first aid I have Super Ick, Ich-X, Kanaplex, Tetra Lifeguard, Furan2 (what's left of it thankfully I orderd a 3 pack and only used part of a box, expires in 2023), Maracyn, Maracyn2, API General Cure, Paraguard, Para-Cleanse, Expel-P and Aquarium salt!
  8. Looked kinda like valisneria torta. I blew up your pic, looks similar to valisneria roots. (pic isn't torta, just for the roots)
  9. Hi there! I'm sure there will be suggestions forthcoming from others. I'm sorry I can't speak to a submersible pump because I only use sponge OR my Aqueon Quietflow 10! I used my Quietflow 10 originally on a 20 gallon and it did well but I pulled it to run sponge filters instead. It's now on a 10 gallon where I have 40 or so fish and it does a great job there (but it's also assisted by a sponge filter)- what I find great about it which some HOB don't do is that it doesn't have to be primed if it loses power- so if you have power outage when you're gone you won't return to a burned out HOB motor- if you end up with another HOB just keep that feature in mind. It's so quiet I never notice it's there. What specifically do you find noisy about it? Is it just the water sound or buzzing? Some people have had issues with the lid not fitting right.
  10. Is it just a type of valisneria maybe??
  11. I would pull them if I were in your shoes, I just don't like to risk them. If it kills BB off that to me is a concern for them. I used to have some bladders in the tank I treated haven't seen any in weeks but that could also have been from whatever the tank had/has too. Who knows! I have medium hard water so kanaplex wasn't a concern for me. I planned on the Furan killing my BB so I got some gimicky Aqueon PURE little bio balls to drop in the thank for when I did my water change after the last meds. Don't know if it works but I'm not having any issues so far.
  12. Awww. That sucks. 😞 I'm sorry. I really hope your fish friends pull through. I was really worried about my Hillstream Loach and Oto in the tank but they made it though the meds. (I pulled my Nerites out though)
  13. It's funny I am usually most concerned about my snails when something happens to a tank or I have to medicate. I'm such a weirdo. Hahaha
  14. I did exactly that treatment and I just did one round because my remaining fish showed no outward signs but I'm pretty sure that's what was killing some of them off. If you're fish are showing signs you might want to do the 2.
  15. Ah I'll have to look for the little bags. I bought special ones just for the Purigen they may be good enough but I've been too chicken to really look at them yet- I ordered them, got them, and promptly put them away 😀 And as you said, to be honest, *I* kinda planned on just tossing it too- but still wasn't sure about using it at all. Maybe I'll revisit it for this Flex....
  16. Sorry to hear that. I just battled that in one of my tanks and *knock on wood* just completed medication. I don't run heaters in any tanks but I keep them when it's needed for disease treatment. Here's the messed up thing for me, the tank that had it- well it runs between 78-81 degrees all on its own. I had no options to cool the tank. they made it though. Since all my tanks are in the same room they run within a degree or 3 within each other. I think this is best so as not to shock the fish and I can slowly raise the temp when needed. I don't have an option for cooling really. Unless I move a holding tank to a colder room.
  17. I run several small holding tanks. I say if you can keep at least 1 tank running, do it. One of my tanks has snails in it so they keep the cycle going. All of my tanks have sponge filters from my established tanks. I have back up sponge filters so when I want to start one of my QT tanks for somebody that has no snails in it I would pull a sponge from established tank and put it in. (Some meds crash a cycle anyway so I might decide to keep the sponge in the holding tank and just do a complete water change). Mine are all bare bottom but they all have a shelter for the fish, a piece of wood and live plants. I say yes to the algae as who knows what might end up in there, I recently had to QT 3 Nerites while I treated another tank.
  18. Yea frozen food labeling can be tricky. There are also LARGE BLOCKS and MINI BLOCKS and even frozen pouches you have to break pieces off of. So look for BABY brine and the size appropriate for how many fish/how much you want to feed within a day or 2. I use the mini blocks mostly.
  19. I have Embers, Endlers and CPDs and have the same issue. I've heard of some people crushing or chopping up some frozen foods to make it smaller. I've not tried that HOWEVER, get frozen BABY brine and ALL my fish love that. 🙂 I have regular brine too, nobody seems to be interested in them even my Harlequins and Black Neons.
  20. OTOCINCLUS VITTATUS: The Angry Man Tank Mission: Oto Rescue: Remove all Otos from Angry Man Tank because snails are food greedy little *****. So as I mentioned previously I've been on a daily Oto hunt in my Angry Man Tank. I've had a few Otos die with no signs of disease and my only suspicion is because the snails eat the food before the Otos do- or they just don't get enough. This tank is pretty algae free because of 3 Spiked Nerites (Lock, Shock and Barrel) and a smattering of uninvited bladdersnails (we've made our peace with them). Today while hunting I wasn't expecting to find anyone, just looked in the usual places. Otos love sponge filters. Mine very often hang out on the base under the sponge. Voila! I saw one! Grabbed a net and decided usually since they're pretty stubborn about hanging onto the filter until it's out of the water I'd TRY to catch them by putting the net under the filter just prior to pulling it out of water. BAM! I caught them! Woohoo! (Catching Otos is hard in an established tank you guys, so this was a BIG relief) I previously said I thought the last one I caught was the only one left. Now I'm questioning how many of them I put in here. Oh my mind. The daily hunt will continue until at least 2 weeks have passed with no sightings- just. in. case. The little one was put into The Accidental Oto tank with it's siblings- they will be much happier there.
  21. It's above my paygrade at this point sadly, there are so many things that can be going on and I can see where you'd be daunted. I'd focus on treating what is the most likely dianosis and consider treating with more than one med (hopefully Colu will pipe in with what might work best). Expect that you may lose more fish, which really sucks but I'm really crossing my fingers for you. Please keep us updated.
  22. It's like the gate keeper in Wizard of Oz (now that's a horse of a different color) or Hoggle in Labyrinth (NOT, if you ask the right questions)- amazing what the right question to the right person can do!
  23. Thanks. I'll figure it out or I'll toss the tank and get a regular rimmed tank which I seem to be good at 😄 I think it helps you have the 15 and in retrospect that's the one I should have gotten- the size probably helps the filtration in this particular case. I too decided the same flow as you, one slightly under the surface and one slightly above- that seems to work great. I have purigen but was slightly daunted by the whole bleach it to clean it thing so I haven't tried. How do you put it in your tank? just in a bag in the sponges or?
  24. Ummmm if anybody here can figure it out, it would be you, Mister Master Multiplier.
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