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Posts posted by CalmedByFish

  1. On 9/19/2021 at 8:41 AM, Manny said:

     nothing beats an espresso and a cannoli. 

    This is the only answer that resembles mine. 

    No kidding, I just chug some water, pop in a big mouthful of dark chocolate, rinse if off my fingers carefully, and go enjoy feeding my fish before my kid starts yodeling. 

    In a perfect world, bacon would be involved. 🙂

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. On 10/27/2021 at 7:43 PM, Jawjagrrl said:

    Good to recognize limits and what you can do well. 

    @CLSig This is so true. 

    I'm glad to hear TLR is doing well! 

    To what extent does the resident who received TLR know what's going on? I'm just wondering if they miss their fish. (100% understand why he's currently at your house though.)

  3. On 10/26/2021 at 8:24 PM, Helan said:

    He now has what seems like a fungus infection? @Colu what do I do

    Just because I happen to be the person seeing it right now, I'll go ahead and hop in with what I can:

    Since the ammonia needs to be as close to zero as you can get it, go ahead and do that. That's water changes with water conditioner. Use Prime or Fritz to detoxify ammonia (just helping you remember what @Colu said.)

    I'm not knowledgeable about salt use, but if you happen to know that it's safe to add more to your water, go ahead.

    Might as well check other parameters too. The goal is Nitrite at 0, Nitrate at 0-20, temp near 78-80.


  4. On 10/25/2021 at 7:58 AM, GraveCompany said:

    8. I then sat and stewed for a few days 

    ... said most of us at some point. 😂

    The only thing I didn't see mentioned in this thread is that it's very helpful to add bottled bacteria. Establishing that bacteria is what the cycle is all about. (I think Prime doesn't include bacteria, from what I'm finding.)

    If you want to stick with the company that makes Prime, their bottled bacteria is called Stability. But I've always used other brands. 

    As someone else mentioned, live plants will have some bacteria on them. I'd still add the bottled stuff though, just to be sure. I even add a drizzle to my established tanks every month-ish. Unless you dump the whole bottle in, it can't hurt.

  5. With my endlers and platies, I've noticed that the females are much calmer than the males. When females are in a shoal without males, they move noticeably slower than a male/female combo, or males without females. (Other species in the tank also cause faster movement.)

    So if you're aiming for a calm tank, I'd say to try putting nothing but female endlers in a tank.  Set it up with plenty of hiding spots so they feel safe, let them get used to it for a couple days, then see if they're acting as calm as you're hoping. I'm pretty sure you'll be able to tell a difference.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  6. On 10/25/2021 at 6:53 PM, CLSig said:

    I wish I had done more research prior to my trip to the big box store. 

    He seems interested in the bubbles from the air stone and keeps swimming up to them and then kind of darting away. Cute! I hope that's not a sign of distress!

    Today I found out that one of my co-workers bought a betta fish and put it in a fish bowl in another resident's room!!! What is it with my dumb co-workers and fish all of a sudden! 

    My boss asked me if she should bring her old fish tank from home. I said Hell no!!! Let me figure out how to take care of one fish before we go get more, PLEASE!!!

    I'd say to not feel bad about not doing more research. You had to be in a wild rush to get Lone Ranger into safe water, so you didn't have time. All things considered, you did well. 

    The thing about swimming to the bubbles and darting away just sounds like fun or curiosity. Probably fine.

    I'll use caution in talking about your co-workers, and just stick with this: Oh my. 

    • Like 3
  7. Welcome! I'm glad you found the fun. 🙂

    You'll find quite a few of us with angels and/or shrimp! I don't know about lizards, but I could swear *somebody* on here has one. Can't think who. And I know somebody has a big fish-eating spider. 😝😂 

    I can't quite tell. Did you end up with a bioactive tank for your lizard, or is the angel/shrimp tank separate?

  8. On 10/24/2021 at 8:48 PM, DebD said:

    Do they slow down breeding as the tank gets fuller (critical mass) ?? Or is there a way to get them to calm down with the egg laying ?

    Ohhh. That's super interesting. I'm following now, just in hopes of finding out. Maybe someone knows.

    I wonder if you could hunt the internet to make a list of what prompts them to breed, then try to give them the opposites. (Except clean water and such, ya know.) Like maybe food and temperature can be comfortable without being great for spending energy on reproduction.

    Or just turn off the slow jazz, and turn on the lights. 😂

    • Haha 1
  9. On 10/23/2021 at 9:56 AM, WillC said:


    @CalmedByFish What pump/filter systems work well for you? It's amazing how different sounds affect folks.

    I use nano USBs with sponge filters.

    When possible, I use a gang valve or T-joint to have less pumps per sponge. Pumps go on thick folded towels, and/or behind a closed cabinet door. And it helps a lot to seal the top of the tank with a lid (glass lid on a glass tank, or the fitted lid on my acrylic tank). That muffles the tiny bubbles popping. 

    By the way, even that type of set-up can't be in the same room where I sleep. If I ever did put something in my bedroom, it'd have to be on a timer, so the motor comes back on when my alarm goes off. (A little tricky since plants use the oxygen overnight.)

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