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Posts posted by Simi

  1. This is way over my head, but I get the idea of it, of course I'm only 4'11", so it's not hard to go over my head! LMAO I really appreciate the info! I wonder if using something like Wonder-Shells would keep it safer than using just prime? Since the wonder shells dissolve over time, rather than dilute immediately?

    • Like 2
  2. Thank you @Hobbit and @ChemBob, all of it makes more sense. I've still got a few more hours before the test Cory mentioned is finished. Had to get up around midnight to drag it all inside, storms rolled in along with a tornado! It didn't touch down in my area, but did hit Tupelo pretty hard 😞 This has been a really great learning experience for me, and as usual it taught me I need to be more patient. I was too excited about getting it all up and running that I skipped a few crucial steps...1. I didn't wash the liner before hand, and 2. I didn't rinse my lava rock before adding it to the water (LOL I had even gotten a mesh trashcan for a previous project to RINSE THE LAVA ROCKS!) Thank you everyone for you're input, and ty to Cory for taking time to answer my questions! I'll post my chlorine test results later this evening. 🙂

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  3. You've Been Watching 'Signs' Wrong | The Film MagazineI always feel like the little girl from Signs, I have glasses of water all over my house....lol Hubs is gonna love this LMAO

    16 minutes ago, Cory said:

    What happens in a glass of water, from the tap, and a glass of water from outside. Both have an airstone, reading the parameters at fresh, and 24 hours later?

    Kirsty Averton on Twitter: "I've got so many glasses of water by my bed  it's like the Signs film set. #accidentalsetdressing… "

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Cory said:

    Logically, this doesn't make sense. Testing the water from your indoor faucet is 0.8, and the outside one is 3.0? I assume both tests use the same strip.

    I use fresh test strips for each source (The wonderful aquarium co-op strips!) And I know it doesn't make sense, that's why I thought I'd ask here. Some people suggested maybe the liner was leaching it, or the garden hose, but neither are PVC which I was told PVC will leach a little chlorine. And I know for sure it's not chloramines, so why is it not gassing off? I'm totally stumped and  dismayed with the whole pond thing now to the point I just want to burn it all down!

    I've even tried filling a 5 gallon bucket (not a Yeti, because a bucket is a bucket) dosed with prime, waited, still 3.0. Would the Fritz A.C.C.R. be a better fit? Is it stronger than Prime?


  5. @Cory So, I had another thread going with pond questions and chlorine, I'd like to condense it and add more info. I asked during the live stream on 5-2, and Cory mentioned the aerator on the indoor faucets (which made total sense)(also, ty very much) But I feel like he wasn't getting the whole picture, hence this long post.  I recently set up a 125 gallon preformed pond. Each time I refill it the chlorine is out of control. I have dosed with Prime at each refill. Using my coop test strips, the outdoor water tests at 3.0 ppm chlorine, Prime says 5ml/50g, the first time I used 4 whole capfuls (16ml), even after 2 hours, water tested out at 3.0. Waited a few days, did another test, STILL 3.0, another water change and added 40 ml Prime, tested before and after the water change, still 3.0. Today after 2 weeks of not adding new water from the hose, I tested the water and it's down to 0.8 ppm. My city does not use chloromines to treat the water, so I've been super stumped as to why this stupid chlorine isn't going away. Should I be using a water conditioner meant for ponds? I do have a filter/fountain running all the time, so there is aeration happening. I use a python to water change/refill my aquariums in the house and the pond outside, so my indoor faucets have the aerator removed for they python. Which is also why I don't understand why so much chlorine outside vs inside? I test my tap about once a month, and my tanks weekly, the inside taps barely reach 0.8 chlorine, but the outside ones are always stupid high. And there are no water filters  in the house, and I checked under the house, all the pipes are stemming from the main street source.

  6. 13 minutes ago, ererer said:

    @MJV Aquatics @Andy's Fish Den if you're part of a local club that's doing zoom meetings or at least has an active mailing list, you can try out this site to do virtual auctions: https://auction.fish/

    It was started by a local club member here, and we've had several different clubs, most in the NE but some in other parts of the country using it for local and regional auctions. It's pretty easy to use, and then you can meet in-person following covid protocols to exchange fish.

    This is really great info, thanks so much!! I'll see if it works for us!


    • Like 1
  7. I'm currently using the med trio on a handful of comets I got to put out in my pond. The tank is pretty well established, on day 2 after dosing the water has gotten super cloudy. Is this nermal? Params are normal for my tap water....0 ammonia, 10 nitrate, 0 nitrite, GH 300, KH 120, ph 6.8, chlorine 0

    The comets didn't look like they had any problems, but as soon as I drop and plopped, they showed signs of Ich. They still seem a bit stressed (some gasping) I do have a HOB and sponge filter running, no charcoal in the HOB just sponges.

  8. On 3/24/2021 at 7:36 PM, Cory said:

    Not sure yet. Just been crazy busy lately. Moving full steam. I have almost streamed twice so far this week lol.

    As long as you guys are all ok, take your time and don't hurt yourselves, we'll be here!


  9. I'm going to be honest here and say I thought it was CRAZY that people were paying for a "membership" to a youtube channel. Then I got thinking about ALL the things I've learned from Cory's channel, and thought about how if I went to school, I'd have to pay WAY more to be taught these things. I've also learned how to save time and money in this expensive hobby, proper plant care, proper fish care. Not to mention the entertainment value. So, I joined as a member as my way of saying thank you for all the things Cory and the gang has taught me. Thank you Cory, Aquarium Co-Op gang, etc.... for all you do, and know you guys are truly appreciated for all your hard work.

    • Like 2
  10. On 3/6/2021 at 9:44 AM, Gideyon said:

    I wouldn't say many are a scam.  They just made a profitable way to do it to stay in business.  They still do the job - just not for a long time. 

    I have a filter that came with carbon cartridges. It does a great job. But I'm working on replacing the cartridge with a sponge and a little ceramics.  It'll save me money in the long run, and will hopefully do just as good.  The remaining cartridges I have I'll keep in case I need chemical filtration at any time.  

    Scam tells me they don't work. At least with carbon cartridges, they do. 

    The other types of bio media, based on my research, will all work. But the question is do you really need all of it?  Can cheaper ceramics, or even cheaper lava rocks, do enough?   I have about 2 inches of gravel substrate in a 10g.  That's alot of surface area. Do I need more by adding ceramics? Maybe not. 

    Many years ago my brother maintained a 100g tank with only an undergravel filter and two plants with 2 plecos. He never did water tests.   A monthly water change.   And he had a good sized community of fish in there.

    Never had a sick fish. 


    I have a question to add on to this...is there such a thing as too much bio filter media. IDK  why my brain thought it was a great idea to line the bottom of my 75 g tank with small lava rocks from the garden center, then top it with the more expensive substrate. I have 2 sponge filters and a HOB with just sponges in them. Is it overkill?

  11. 2 hours ago, Yanni said:

    Guppies would definitely do great! I would try some water hyacinth or water lettuce instead of duckweed. I don't think any salt or buffering agents would be needed. If your water is soft, definitely try adding some crushed coral. The guppies would produce even without the green water. As long as you feed everything really well, you should have babies in no time. 


  12. I forgot, I live in North Alabama, so summer temps get really high. My main concern was my water. I've heard Cory say that guppies like really hard water. I checked my city's water quality report: d2ce60083e68859b31733066e44e7ec0.png98e39944059b3fd23eac3438cf0c241c.png

    not sure if this is helpful, or overkill...lol. and the tap water had only 67 TDS.


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  13. I'm going to help my mom with her mini pond this year, I've been doing research (watching ALL of Cory's videos). My  tap water is:

    pH: 8.4 (not usually this high, normally runs about 7.6)

    Ammonia: 0

    Nitrite: 0

    Nitrate: 10

    I want to add some guppies for a fun breeding project. My question is: are my water params going to be ok for breeding guppies, and should I add salt to the pond, or any buffering agents? I have some  red tiger lotus I plan to plop in and some duckweed. One of the videos he explained how green water is great for the fish, but I can't convince my mom of this. 

  14. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply, Cory. I understand it's a lot of work and initial out of pocket money to get going. I appreciate your insight! It's giving me a list of things to work off of. I'm big on researching and making lists. I'm also semi-retired so, time isn't an issue for me. And I was a stay at home mom for almost 20 years, I'm used to to hard work for no pay...lol. I'm very determined to see this thru, I've already been talking to a couple lfs about hosting/donations, and there are quite a few local libraries that have event spaces for free or small fees. The Facebook group I'm in that's local, has about 700 members, and it's semi-active. I post there a lot about starting a club.

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  15. @Cory Can you share your groups' goals, etc... I really want to start this off on the right foot. I recently watched your video you posted on youtube about your summer tubs, watching you interact with your club made me (slightly) jealous. Is there a guide or video I can read/watch to get tips on how to get a local club going?


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