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  1. Interesting. I had not considered keeping a guppy or just leaving them. Thanks!
  2. Hi again everyone. You all have been extremely helpful to me recently and I have greatly appreciated it. I am having another issue that has started to happen since about last week. I noticed small creatures jumping around in my 2.5 gallon ramshorn snail tank, at first I wasn't sure what they were but I did some research and they look to be copepods. I am concerned because I plan to transfer some snails out of this tank into another and I don't want to transfer the copepods with them. I read that doing frequent water changes can help, which I have been doing for about a week now. About 50% water changes every day and it doesn't seem to control them. Starting to see a few of them getting larger and definitely see the copepod features clearly now. I read on another forum that a UV-C sterilizer could be used, I like this idea but since I'm dealing with such a small tank, the options I see are for very large systems it seems. Does anyone have any recommendation for an external system with small diameter hoses? I figure I can probably pump water through it temporarily for a while until they disappear. Thanks everyone!
  3. Sharon, I had been giving them some sliced and blanched carrots for a little while but it really fouled up the water quickly. They didn't seem to be that crazy about it either. I think it was more work for them to eat it but they did eventually eat all of it. I think next time I go to the store I will pick up some of those to try as well. Thanks!
  4. Thanks Hobbit! The new shell growth doesn't have any white spots or pits like some of the old growth had before I moved them to a new tank. I think they might not be getting enough food. I had been trying to give enough for them to eat but not hang around the water too much to make it really dirty and I think I just need to give them more. Thanks for the snello recipe! I was just actually looking at a Youtube video that mentioned that too!
  5. Thanks for the suggestions. I was sprinkling some small amounts of powdered calcium carbonate into the tank already but it has a tendency to make the water very cloudy, so I backed off a bit. My water is already very hard though. Tests confirm that too.
  6. Thanks, will give that a try. I also dropped part of an egg shell in there. I had added some calcium carbonate to the water before too.
  7. Been feeding them Hikari algae wafer pieces mostly. Some veggie sticks too. Not sure what else to feed them. Both contain calcium and protein.
  8. So I have been trying to breed ramshorn snails for my turtle tank and I started noticing over the past few weeks, less and less snail eggs around my tank. At first I wasn't sure why the numbers had decreased, but I noticed a few sets of eggs disappear today and just a few moments ago noticed a snail consuming another set of eggs. I feed them every day. Has anyone else encountered this and is there something that would lead them to do this? Thanks.
  9. Thank you everyone! I have a sump filter so I can't use sand in this configuration but I'm starting to think sand may be easier to clean. I'm going to give the HIRO one a try since it's convenient. The idea that MickS77 has is a neat idea too. May give that a shot as well.
  10. Does anyone have a suggestion for a small diameter gravel vacuum for a 2.5 gallon tank? I have a larger gravel vacuum for my 20 Long but it won't quite reach in this one due to it's size and it would probably suck out most of the water before it got anything from the bottom. I had a look around Aquarium Coop and some other sites but I'm not seeing anything useful. A diameter of about an inch maximum would be about right. Only thing I can think of at the moment is get some large diameter hose but it's not easy to control because they are quite stiff. Thanks everyone!
  11. Thank you for the excellent explanation! I really appreciate it!
  12. Thanks! I had not considered driftwood, do they eat it? Wouldn't vacuuming the gravel remove the really tiny snails that have recently hatched? I have found overfeeding in smaller containers made things very cloudy rather quickly too.
  13. Hi everyone! I'm new here. I have some snails I'd like to grow out fast and breed. I considered putting this topic in the fish breeding forum but wasn't sure if that was the proper place. I have kept some ramshorn snails for a few months in various containers and fed them various vegetables like carrots and lettuce over time. They don't grow that fast and I am probably going to pick up a dedicated 2.5 gallon tank for them today and give them a better environment. I was looking here since (since I have ordered before and like the product and service) for decent food for them. I saw some comments about some other food being used for snails without a problem but I thought I'd ask here what everyone's opinion is for food that will make the snails healthy and grow fast. I know these are considered pest snails but I do like the look of them and they are fun to watch, but also I have a turtle that likes to eat them. I placed a few in the turtle's tank a while back and they do a really good job of hiding until night time to avoid being eaten (they are smarter than I thought). But the turtle has slowly picked off the bigger ones throughout the day digging through the rocks. I would like to keep resupplying the tank with bigger ones more often. I know this is a longer post but really just looking for advice to have the best chances. Thanks everyone!
  14. Looks like a dead ramshorn snail shell.
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