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Posts posted by Daniel

  1. 3 minutes ago, H.K.Luterman said:

    There's a handful of us Alabamians I see pop up now and then. Basements are rare here, and that's the theory I hear most often as as to why the hobby isn't as popular here as other states.

    Alabama - 10

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  2. I have kept Discus, rummy nose tetras, cardinal tetras, hatchet fish, Corydoras, etc, in a large tank that was in the mid to low 5 pH range. I ran the water through a reverse osmosis system, then used a Blackstone 7916


    to dose phosphoric acid to maintain a stable low pH. All of that worked really well, but was expensive to set up initially. In the long run I am not sure the fish benefited much from depressing the pH so low. I think most of the fish would have been just as happy with a pH in the mid to low 6's. but it was a fun project and I am glad I tried it.


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  3. @quirkylemon103 has asked how to use the blog feature of this forum.

    So, I thought I would create a how to guide.

    Step 1. Go to the blogs section of this forum


    Step 2. Click 'Create a new blog' then give your new blog a title, add tags, and finally add some initial content.



    Step 3. Now that you have a blog on the forum, add fresh content.


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  4. 15 hours ago, Patrick_G said:

    Sometimes the forum software saves a copy of your last post but there’s an option to delete the copy and just make a new post. 

    Yes, just do a new post as a reply. What Patrick said is the answer to your question of why words pop up from your previous post. Just delete them and type whatever your update is .

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  5. 12 minutes ago, Betsy said:

    @Isaac M brought all the magic - y'all should check out the charts on the tabs!  He did an amazing job! 🤓👍

    If you're a beginner cycling your tank for the first time, or someone trying to keep track of a particular stat, the Basic Aquarium Log is MONEY! 

    And the Planted Log is a great way to keep all of your information in one place (plus, it's got all of the same charts as the Basic!)!

    Even if you don't take measurements every day, both sheets are really useful.  Isaac knocked it out of the park! 

    We'll have to find that nitrogen cycling chart that @Daniel has posted before and keep the basic log link close by for resources to give to our cyclers!! 🚲🚲🚲


    I'll find that and repost it here.

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  6. When I used to breed bettas, I could put 40 or 50 males in a 10 gallon aquarium because the crowding would overwhelm any sense of territoriality and there would be a bit of fin nipping but no fighting.

    I would be reluctant to put 2 males in my 500 gallon tank, because if they were mature and healthy they would seek each other out to fight. It might not be fatal, as one would certainly retreat, but the victor would keep looking for him.

    On the other hand I would not hesitate to put a dozen males in here.


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  7. 35 minutes ago, Irene said:

    Interesting! May be a new feature that Cory is testing and Daniel is one of the guinea pigs.


    Those features have been there since nearly the beginning. I would make blog posts from time to time over the last year, but essentially nobody looked at them even when I linked directly to them, so eventually I quit posting to the blog.

    I think the blog feature is really cool and easy to use.

    The only use for the Calendar has been to keep track of birthday's.

    The Articles feature is dormant.


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  8. 5 minutes ago, lefty o said:

    so that agrees with this former printer that has excellent color accuity. having been a printer for many years, ive seen it all with how people see color. a lot of people cant see minor variations in reds, and browns in particular.

    That’s cool that you were a printer! Nobody has eyes for color like printers.

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