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pictish Aquatics

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  1. Has any one have experience using moler clay whats it used foe and what's the benefits and disadvantages of it .
  2. Who has breed shortbody fish what do you do with them . - Keep them - Cull them - Breed more of them Here's my orange Venezuelan cory in my breeding colony
  3. @TheSwissAquarist thank you for getting the info for me much appreciated will definitely be putting it to use
  4. Thank you that would be great . From what I've read some say there egg scatters and some say they lay on plant roots .
  5. Hi has anyone breed headstanders looking for any advice thanks
  6. random Question since safe is the dry form of prime can you make safe into a liquid de chlorinator
  7. have you added any wood to the tank ? . double check your tap water again I know my tap water will change slightly depending on the seasons
  8. sounds like fungus not sure what antifungal treatments are available in the US
  9. Is it fuzzy or look like cotton wool ?
  10. depends on the Brand but usually every 3-4 weeks
  11. just startet playing with undergravel filters anyone got any tips and tricks .
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